Website Statistics (January 31, 2007)
Website Requests/Traffic: 2,135,136
Total Website Hits/Visits: 48,654,335
Pages Requested : 296,055
Total Pages Requested: 11,728,196
Visitor Countries/domains: 186
Top 5 Visitor Domain/Country: Brazil, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland (exclude .com, .net, and numeric IP addresses)
Media Player / iPod Downloads: 833
Total Media Player / iPod Downloads: 9,651
Sermon Files downloaded: 20,212
Total Sermon Files downloaded (to date): 1,054,232
Sermons download Domains/Countries (to date): 140
Top 5 Sermon download Countries: India, Brazil South Africa, Australia, Canada
Top 5 Messages downloaded: 53-0612 Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar; 53-0904 Healing (What Cancer Is); 65-0218 The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck; 65-1207 Leadership; 59-0419a My Life Story
Tune-In (Listener) Statistics (January 31, 2007)
Tune-in requests (listeners): 13,186
Total Tune-in (listeners)(to date): 697,260
Total Unique listeners (to date): 49,797
Total Sermons Broadcast (to date): 2,187
Average Listening time: 20-60 min.
Most active hour of the day: 14:00 - 14:59
Most active day of the week: Friday
Most Active month: March 2005
Listener Countries/domains (to date): 137
Top 5 active domains/countries: Canada, Brazil, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany
Top 5 active streams (sermons) requested: 53-0831 God Talked To Moses, 53-0829 The Testimony of Jesus Christ, 63-0728 Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed, 56-0801 The Arrow Of God's Deliverance Shot From A Bow, 53-1203 Testimony (Raising Dead Boy) |
Books/Bible Distribution (January 31, 2007)
No. of KJV bibles mailed: 50
Total Bibles mailed (to date): 4,326
No. of Packets mailed: 326
Total Packets to date: 7,575
Each mail Packet includes: One Wm. Branham Biography Book #1 + 5 Sermon booklets & Tracts
Number of countries (to date): 92