July 2007 Newsletter
“.. freely ye have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

Issue Date: July 01, 2007

Text Box: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” [Matthew 10:8]

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Living Word Broadcast
P. O. Box 4951
Naperville, IL 60567 USA
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This Month's Featured Emails
----- Original Message -----
From: Divine[divxxx@xxx.xxx]
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2007 2:10PM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Shalom Bro. Charlie,
I am very glad to receive the message books and the book on supernatural. The Lord bless your heart for sending these wonderful books. I will read and also give to my friends to know that God is revealing Himself in His word.
My gratitude to all the brethren in the Lord.
Sis. Divine

---Original Message---
From: Joselito [jessxxx@xxx.xxx]
Sent: Tuesday June 12, 2007 3:08 AM
To: thevoice1017@lwbwb.org
Dear Bro. Kincaid,May the abundant peace of Christ be with you always. I have already received WMBranham biography book 1 on the 4th week of May 2007.  I would like to thank you for sending a copy of it.  I use it to share the stories of our beloved prophet to our brothers and sisters here in a small church in Tagaytay City.  My wife, on the other hand, use it to tell stories for Sunday School children as an alternative for Bible-based stories. Bro. Branham's life story is indeed very enlightening and inspiring
May God richly bless you and your ministry.
Your Brother-in-Christ,
Bro. Jess

Excerpts From Guestbook, TestimonyBook &
Eye Witness Accounts

* June 26, 2007 - 11:06 AM Rebecca Mwende Musyoka from Kenya God bless all who dedicate their lives for the work of the Lord. God bless the precious brother or sister who will find the time and ability to send this book to me. We might be in different parts of the world but we know we are one as the body of Christ. Lets pray for one another as we await the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you once again.
* June 15, 2007 - 06:22 AM Daniel Abejirinde from Nigeria Rev. Branham's exploit is worth reading. The acts of the Lord through his ministry are simply out of this world -- only God could have backed him. I appreciate the operations of the grace of God upon him. Thank You
* June 08, 2007 - 10:40 AM Richard Chaimirira from Zimbabwe Thanks for keeping the voice of Elijah alive in these last and perilous times that we are living in. May god richly bless you saints.
* June 05, 2007 - 12:19 PM Nomsa Mathe from South Africa greetings to all children of god in the precious name of Jesus. I just like to wish you good luck and great joy to your families and also to the church of god, hoping that you are doing well. I really appreciate what you are doing, may god bless your hard worker on spending lot of time to produce the spoken words and may god richly bless you as well as the church and also wishing each and every individual good luck.
* June 02, 2007 - 06:32 AM chitsa Tuzani from United Kingdom Thanks to Almighty God who has made it possible for me to find this livingwordbroadcast website. I am feasting on the End Time Message almost daily after work and its keeping me going
* June 01, 2007 - 02:09 AM jay ahr denosta from Philippines Greetings in the name of the Lord, Glory to our God, I'm blessed of this website were I can tune in to the messages of the prophet. Every time I open this, my hearts overflow of joy in reading testimonies and hear the preaching of the prophet, Not only on me but to my friends also who tune here... May god continue to bless and use you to reach more souls for his kingdom.
* June 08, 2007 - 06:24 AM PATRICK M MAINA from Kenya I am an end time message believer. I believe William Branham was Gods prophet. One day I got dislocation and fracture in my shoulder. After various attempts to receive treatment one day I was told to go to Kenyatta National Hospital for surgery because the situation was worsening. But I told God that the Doctors work is just to set the bones in order but you does the healing. This is a quote I had read from Branham's message books. God is real for the day I reached hospital nothing had happened but God came the last minute, odd time when the Doctor was about to do operation. This was a miracle done to me.
HERE is another testimony of a sister who had backache problem, chest pain about four years. She could not perform her housewife chores properly because lifting even a sufuria from the cooker was a problem. One day she narrated me the whole problem and I was greatly touched. Because I believe on Devine healing I used to remember her in prayers. The situation worsened and I thought oh God who manifested his works through Branham where are you and you changes not.
After the Sunday service I went to her home. She was in great pain but still believing. I told her to kneel down and I laid hands on her. As we prayed the presence of God surrounded the place. She was healed immediately. The moment we stopped praying I told her THUS SAITH THE LORD YOU ARE HEALED. She told me something run down on her and disappeared and the pain disappeared. Today, the sister lives a Christian life and testifies how God is great.

A Special Thanks To ...

All the individuals who continually support this project daily with their resources—prayers, time, money, effort, advice ...
the Believers, Ministers, and Pastors of
Grace Tabernacle, Zion, Illinois, USA
Tucson Tabernacle, Tucson, Arizona, USA
End Time Message Tabernacle, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Open Bible Fellowship of Living Word Believers, Lynden, WA, USA
bullet Christ Tabernacle, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Conerstone Christian Tabernacle, Avondale, Arizona USA

May God richly bless you, and supply your every need!

This project is built upon the vision, handiwork and dedication of many believers, some have passed on, but we are determined to continue the "march with our feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.”We want to acknowledge all your hard work and support in helping us build on your work.

Tune-in Broadcast
William Branham 24/7

You can tune-in to any of the four (4) broadcast streams below from our website
* Today’s Feature: Featured Sermon for the day
* Bible Study (March 2007): The End of All Things is At Hand
* Prayer-Healing Line:
Build up your Faith for your Healing
* End Time Gospel Music:
Reflections of the End Time Message
This website is dedicated to all those who believe in the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein. ”So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth ; but God that giveth the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:7)