Is it okay for a Christian woman to braid or plait her hair?
“Is this the child? Hi, honey. Standing before me is a little girl. And she's little, pretty little girl, little red-headed girl with long plaits. I got a little girl at home and her name is Rebekah. And she's trying to have long plaits too.” [We Would See Jesus 54-1205, Binghamton NY] |
“About fifteen minutes after that, they started the prayer line, going on. And along come a little girl about six years old, or eight years old, about the age of my little Becky, two long plaits hanging down her back. She almost went off the platform. They caught her and brought her over. When she got to me, she started putting her little--had her little head down here, and she started putting her little hands around me like that. And she was blind, been born blind. She never had seen.” [The Unwelcomed Christ Jeffersonville, IN 55-0911] |
“About that time, looked around, and somebody begin to scream, and I wondered what. And they'd set a little girl about this high, cute little German girl, little plaits hanging down her back... And let me tell you, we Americans, we classed Germany and got the wrong impression. The real born-again children of Germany is just as sweet and dear as any children there is anywhere.” [The Supernatural Owensboro, KY 56-0129] |
“God bless you, honey. A little girl of about fourteen, two more girls, about ten or twelve, coming, making their way, beautiful little thing with long plaits, behind. Another one, crying. Look at that. All you older people ought to be ashamed when you see a little baby coming like that, about twelve years old, just so convicted of the Holy Spirit, her heart.” [Love Shreveport, LA 56-0726] |
“There is a--a custom sometime of Indians to plait leather in their hair, and she looked up at me, those little dark looking eyes, and them great, deep wrinkles in her cheeks, the--and the tears cutting their way down through like little ditches through her cheeks. She looked up at me like that and I thought, "Oh, God, somebody's mother. No doubt but that hands has raked back a many a little crying baby's eyes. And maybe never had very many decent meals in all of her life.” [Blind Bartimaeus Klamath Falls, OR 60-0713] |
“You got a little girl in there too? She has got the prettiest hair. I noticed she had it plaited, kind of a real yellowish, gold-looking hair. That--that's really pretty. I want to comment you on your hair too, sister. I know it's better. I believe you used to wear short hair, didn't you? Kindy down to your shoulders, kindy bobbed or something like. Or did you? Yes. I...Yes. I...Well, it really looks nice now. See?” [Thy House, Tifton GA 61-0808] |
“Brother Branham, does this First Timothy 2:9 mean a woman cannot braid her hair? Does "broid" hair mean "braided" hair? Now look, sister, now this... I'm--I'm glad that followed this. I never fixed it there, but it just--it followed that good. Notice, a braided hair in that day was the sign of a street woman; that's what she done, braided her hair. And Paul said to the Christians, "Now, that adorning, not let it be of a braided..." (or 'broided' and 'braid' is the same thing)--to braid their hair, because it looked like the rest of the world. Now, you're supposed not to look like the world or act like the world. See? The women are supposed to be different there. See? No, now, braiding hair... Now, today braided hair is pretty, and it's a long ways from the fashion of the world. Now, you see the women, the way they do their hair today... Just keep your hair in any way; just don't look like the world. See? Don't look or dress like it. If they wear shorts, you wear a dress. If they--if they do their hair all--cut it all off and bob it, and do them ever... You--you--you just let yours alone.” [Questions And Answer, Jeffersonville IN64-0823m] |
“The braid, but braid. The question was, "Does 'braided' mean, "broided" mean, 'braided'? Yes, that's right. And now, on the street...Now, I looked that up to find out years ago what the "braided" hair meant. See? The women, actually, the women of old, they just pulled their hair back and tied it, more like in a ponytail today. And they went around... They had robes on like that, but the women of the street took their hair and braided it all across their heads, and wrapped it around like that, and put flowers in it and things like that, and that was kind of the--the flapper on the street; just like we would see the flapper today, the way she dresses. |
I'm saying flapper, 'cause you know I'm an old man; so that's what they's called them in my days. What is it they call them today? I... My, I don't know. Chicks or something or another. So, ever what it is. Give them any kind of a name, they like it.” [Questions And Answers 64-0823m, Jeffersonville IN] |
Should believers marry interracially? |
“I've got hundreds of precious colored friends that's born again Christians. But on this line of segregations and things they're talking about, hybreeding the people. What, tell me what fine cultured, fine Christian colored woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a white man? No, sir. It's not right. What white woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a colored man? God made us what we are. Let's stay what God made us; I believe it's right.When that great fuss come up down there at Shreveport here not long ago, that old colored preacher stood out there; he's got a place in my heart. He said, "I never was ashamed because I'm a colored man." Said, "God made me what I am, and I'm proud of it." But said, "Today I'm ashamed the way you people are acting. The way my own people's acting, it makes me ashamed. Oh, my. What are we doing, friends? Men think they know all about it. The people would be better off if you'd just let them the way they are, the way God made them. Let the brown race marry the brown race, the white race marry the white race, the dark race, the yellow race and whatever more, stay the way God made them. If a violet... God made it and it was white, let it remain white. If it's blue, black, brown, whatever the flower is, let it alone. If corn was raised a certain way, yellow corn, don't mix with white corn. If you do, you mix it up, then it can't breed itself back again.”[Condemnation By Representation Jeffersonville, IN 60-1113] |
“To me, you ought to leave it the way God had it. He made white men, black men, brown men. He's a God of variety. Let them stay the way God made them. That's what I think. If I was a black man, I'd--I'd want--I'd want to stay in my class of people. If I was a Chinese, yellow, I'd want to stay that way. Being that I'm Anglo-Saxon, white, let me marry amongst the white, teach my children the same, and just stay the kind of a flower and the color that God made us at the beginning. After all, He's the One that made it.” [Life Salem, OR 62-0719b] |
“I don't believe in marrying and intermarrying them like that. I don't believe in a white... What--what business would a beautiful, young, intelligent colored girl want to marry a white man for, and have mulatto children? What would a fine, intelligent, colored girl want to do a thing like that for? I can't understand it. And what would a white woman want to marry a colored man, with mulatto children? Why don't you stay the way God made you? Be content with such as you have.” [Paradox, Tampa FL 64-0418b] |
“I don't believe in mixing marriages. I believe that a white man should not marry a colored girl, or a colored girl marry a white man, or a yellow marry a colored, or a white, or a... I believe the brown, black, white, and races of people are like a flower garden of God, and I do not believe they should be crossed up. I believe that's the way God made them, and I believe that's the way they should remain. What... It fools me that I seen some real pretty colored girl, intelligent, nice looking kid, just as pretty as any woman you'd want to see... What does she want to marry a white man and have mulatto children? What would an intelligent colored girl want with such a thing as that? Is because that something... that communist... And how would a--a fine a-a-a colored man want to marry a white woman and have mulatto children? I don't believe I... I believe you should stay just what we are. We--we're servants of Christ. And God made me... If He made me, my color black, I'd be happy to be a black man for God. If He made me yellow, I'd be a happy yellow man for Christ. If He made me white, I've a--happy white man for Christ. If He made me brown, or red, an Indian, whatever it is, I'd stay my same color. That would be me. I want to be like my Maker made me.” [Questions And Answers, Jeffersonville IN64-0830e] |
Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington |