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 Listeners Now: 18 
Since March 17, 2002:
 Listeners Served: 30,620,066 
 Sermon Downloads: 37,703,938 
Friday March 14, 2025  8:45:52 am CST (GMT -6) 

March 17th 2016 - Marks LWB 14th Anniversary of God's Leadership & Blessings.

There's your value. It isn't how much you got, how much you desire; it's how much you can do towards saving souls for Christ Jesus. Our money will fade.” [The Lamb's Book Of Life, Jeffersonville IN, 56-0603]

Our focus continues to be on “providing free access to the End Time Gospel of Jesus Christ through our 24/7 Broadcast, distribution of KJV Bibles and Message books to the needy and new believers” in accordance with Matthew 10:8 “… freely ye have received, freely give”.

As the Bible says in II Corinthians 13:8, “For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”

If it's the truth, I'll support it. If it isn't the truth, I'll bring my gifts back." That's a good idea. If God's in it, put everything behind it you got: your soul, your heart, your mind, your talent, all that you've got, give it to the glory of God. If He isn't God, then let it alone and find out where there is a God. If it isn't the truth, let it alone, and find out what is truth.” [The Queen Of Sheba, LA CA, 59-0405E]

We are determined to harness all our efforts on the side of the Truth – taking this End Time Message to people who have been deprived of the Truth.

As we look at our 14th year of operation, we are challenged by

"The responsibility that God has given us in this day, to bring this Message! And as I get older, and I know my days are shortening up, I feel the responsibility greater than I ever felt. Pressing on, we must do it! We must get down to it, in everywhere we go, and tell the Message; and--and tell the people that Jesus Christ is coming, that He's God and He's coming soon. There's not a--not a hope left in the world but the Coming of the Lord” [65-0217, A Man Running From The Presence Of The Lord, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN].

 “If we believe of the coming Messiah is at hand, I think we ought to lay aside everything else, and be concerned of getting this message to the lands yonder as fast as you can do it. That's right. If we are convinced. But we preach that there's coming a Messiah and want to put a hundred million dollars in a building. And if the Messiah's coming, what good's that going to do?” [62-0521, Convinced And Then Concerned, Chicago IL]

 “But one soul saved, you'll see your name wrapped into it as long as the morning star shall glitter in.... So let's save souls, brethren. Each one. You housewives, you don't have to be a preacher. You do something for the glory of God. Remember, eternal things is what lasts forever, and that's getting souls saved. Let that be the first thing of all your work, and all your ideas, and all your motives.”[The Lamb's Book Of Life, Jeff. IN, 56-0603]

On this anniversary, we are honored to release version 3.4.0 of LWB Mobile App

  • This is a Multilingual platform with KJV Bible (or similar translation) and the End Time Message in Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, German, Russian and Slovak languages.
  • We have fully cross-referenced 1965, 1964, and 1963 Message transcripts to the Original KJV Bible. The cross-references are being updated continuously, and the new references will appear automatically in the App.
  • This latest version (3.4.0) of LWB Mobile App for the following devices : Android OS 4.0+ (recommend 4.4+ for best results), Apple Devices running iOS 8.0+, Windows 10 (64-bit devices only and smartphones) and BlackBerry PRIV

This App also works with most browsers (eg. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge), and is also available at our website: For best results, we recommend Google Chrome Browser.

Here is a brief update on our efforts and achievements todate.

Living Word Broadcast 2002-2015 Highlights:

Bullet  As of December 31, 2015, we have had over 226 million website requests, 4 million listeners, 4.8 million sermons and 17,360 Mobile App downloads; 5,671 KJV Bibles and numerous message books distributed overseas.
We moved the Website unto the cloud to improve reliability
All this was achieved with your prayers, partnership and financial support (see graphs below for aditional information)..
Bullet  You can now download a printer-friendly or booklet-formatted PDF version as well as the audio in mp3 format for each sermon (2011) (Example)
Bullet  Started a project to synchronize the Message audio with the Message text (2010)
Bullet  Addition of English, French & Spanish subtitles to our William Branham Video Collection (2010)
Bullet  In 2008, we reached the one million total tune-ins/listeners milestone (excluding the End Time Gospel Music stream tune-ins) since we started operations
Bullet  Replaced our 5 year old broadcast server, doubled our bandwidth to 4T1s and added a Worldwide Message Church Directory (2008)
Bullet  Sermons On-Demand - the ability to tune-in/listen to any sermon of your choice, either from our website or from a Smartphone/PDA – feature was added to the homepage of our newly re-designed website (2007)
Bullet  Addition of 24/7 Spanish and French Message streams and Video Collection of Wm Branham to existing Featured Sermon, Bible Study, Healing and Music streams (2007)
Bullet  Addition of the Healing-Prayer Line Library (207 audio files, extracted from the Wm. Branham Sermon Library) (2006)
Bullet  Started a Healing Database with sermon references for the diseases and/or afflictions prayed for by Wm. Branham (2006)
Bullet  Encoded all the sermons in AAC format for portable media players/iPod (2005)
Bullet  Addition of portable media player/iPod downloads for the KJV Bible, sermon audio & transcripts, and WMB Video Collection (2005)
Bullet  Began streaming Live/Archived Special Church Services (audio/video) from Message churches to our worldwide audience (2005)
Bullet  Began 24/7 Featured Sermon and Bible Study streams and mailing sermons, tracts and WMB Biography books worldwide (2002-05)

We appreciate your partnership in this little effort for the Bride of Christ. See for a list of our current partners.

The Timeline below is a display of LWB Milestones
Point to the year for more details


Click on each picture to enlarge

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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