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Privacy Policy

We at Living Word Broadcast take your privacy very seriously.

By downloading and using Living Word Broadcast App (hereinafter referred to as LWB Mobile) or by visiting the Living Word Broadcast website (hereinafter referred to as Living Word Broadcast), you are accepting or aggreeing to the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.

We zealously guard your information and privacy here at Living Word Broadcast ensuring that your personal information is not given or sold to individuals or companies outside of Living Word Broadcast. When you send us email or other communication, we may retain these communications in order to process your inquiries, respond to your requests, and improve our services.

Information Overview

The information that we collect while you visit our website can be divided into two categories: information you provide to us and and information that is automatically collected.

  • Information Provided to Us
    As a visitor to our website, you may choose to provide information to us when you request for a Free William Branham Biography Book or a Free Healing Thoughts. You may also provide information when you sign or contribute to our GuestBook, TestimonyBook, or EyeWitness Accounts. Finally, you as a visitor may also provide information when you sign up for our Monthly Newsletter or Contact Us.
  • Information Automatically Collected
    When you visit Living Word Broadcast, our servers automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit any website. These server logs may include information such as your web request, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.  This information is non-personal and does not reveal anything about you. The information collected is used for aggregate data and statistics in order to improve our infrastructure and services.

Emails and Other Communications

When you send us email or contact us through our website, your email message, question, or comment may be forwarded to other Living Word Broadcast volunteers who may be better able to help you or respond to you. Except for authorized lawenforcement investigations, we do no share our e-mail with any other outside organizations. However, as an internet user you should be aware that email and on-line forms are not secure against interception and senders cannot expect privacy. If you are concerned about transmitting personal information such as bank account, charge card, or social security numbers, contact us for an alternative method to provide the necessary information.

In terms of information storage, we only actively retain addresses, emails, and other communications for a period of three years. Returned emails will be reviewed after the second attempt and then deleted from our database. After you have been deleted from our database, you will have to suscribe again to our newsletter.

Spam and Abuse

Living Word Broadcast has zero tolerance for spam or other types of abuse. If you have received an unsolicited e-mail from a Living Word Broadcast account, tell us. Forward the message you received, including the mail headers, to Include a note letting us know that the message is spam, and that you did not specifically request to receive information from the sender.

Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter is provided to all our visitors free of charge via our website or via emails sent out at the beginning of the month. Most of the content of our newsletter is user provided. If you do not wish to receive an email at the beginning of the month informing you of the release of our newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time via this link.

By sending an email, or other communication you also give us the right to publish your communications (with editions for clarity) in our monthly newsletter under the section "This Month's Featured Emails"or your question under the "Questions and Answers" section. We take care to safeguard your privacy by hiding the email address that the email originated from and only giving out the first name.

Additionally, by signing our Testimony Book, Guest Book, and Eyewitness Accounts, you give us the right to publish your entries and comments on our website and in our monthly newsletter under the section "Excerpts from our Guest Book, Testimony Book and Eyewitness Accounts"

This Privacy Policy may be amended at any time by posting a revised version on this website which will be effective from the date posted.

Last Updated: May 8, 2014

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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