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Book Four: The Third Pull - William Branham's Ministry

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Chronology of A Prophet

The Third Pull

[ Book  Four ]

Outline of Major Junctions or Changes in Prophet’s Ministry
[Placed in 5 books.]

1.  “The Pastor” starts with his conversion in early ministry 1931-1946.
2.  “The Healer” his first gift and early evangelism from  1946-1949.
3.  “The Message” covers discernment and tape teaching  1949-1955.
4.  “The Third Pull” emphasis the Spoken Word and teachings after 1956 thru mid 1962.
5.  “The Capstone” begins in mid 1962 through the Seals until his going home in December 1965.

In regard to the two major series The Church Ages and The Seven Seals that were published over forty years ago, the subjects from these books are lightly covered, because most ministers have read and can studied these messages any time they need to.

In Book 3 I used a quote from a pivotal tape “Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?” from Jeffersonville IN, January 30th 1962, as an overview and guide to follow. Here is the first paragraph from that quote used in “The Message” introduction.

30-3   Now, listen close. The seventh angel of Revelations 10:7 is the seventh church age messenger. See? Now, watch. And in the days... Now, watch here.
But in the day's of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...
Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the seventh angel here, is sounding forth his message to the Laodicean church. Notice his type of message. Now, it wasn't to the first angel (wasn't given that), second angel, third, fourth, fifth, sixth; but it is the seventh angel that had this type of message. What was it? Notice, his type of message: finishing all the mysteries of God that are written in the Book. The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's lain loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said: finishes the mystery of the written Book.


This is the fourth book of the Chronology. Here a vision moves the prophet into a new ministry called The Third Pull.

[ 1956 – 1962 ]

Years                                                   Pages 

1956 (73 tapes)                                                  1 - 40
1.  Vision of the Third pull.  [New Ministry; Mark 11:20-24,  Matthew 17:20]
2.  Ministers testifying of Brother Branham’s ministry.
3.  Hair pieces nothing wrong with them.
4.  Private interviews by Brother Branham.
5.  Case of uremic poisoning.  [Backslider]
6.  Fasting.
7.  New Heart, New Spirit & My Spirit.  [Ezekiel 36:26-27]
8.  Wheel in the middle of wheel.  [Ezekiel 1:15-16]
9.  Polygamy.
 10.  Vision of woods.
 11.  America's last chance to repent in 1956.  [Revival’s overseas.]
 12.  Infinite mind of God and finite mind of man.
 13.  Three kinds of believers.  [Two angels to Sodom and Gomorra.]
 14.  Corporal body.
 15.  Unwritten law of nature.  [2 Corinthians 9:6,  Galatians 6:7-8]
 16.  Judgment upon America.  [Russia bombs Vatican City]
 17.  Germ warfare upon ungodly.  [Sealed]
 18.  Atomic bomb.
 19.  Man head of family: kids and women.
 20.  Women cutting hair and wearing men’s garments.
 21.  Perverts as in Sodom and Gomorrah.  [Matthew 16:4, Matthew 24:37-38, Luke 17:26-30, Romans 1:18-32]
 22.  Trip to Mexico part of Third Pull vision.
 23.  duPlesis, David plans working with Brother Branham.
 24.  Worldlism.  [1 John 2:15-17]  [Canary brain]
 25.  Last call is Divine healing.  [Luke 14:16-24]
 26.  Third Pull; events in prophet’s ministry that pertains to Divine Love.
 27.  Three Comings of Christ.
 28.  Church set in order.
 29.  Mystery of Jesus Christ revealed by His Angel.  [Discernment sign]
 30.  Holy Spirit making intercessions.
 31.  Time of crisis.
 32.  Luther and Wesley were reformers.
 33.  Justification, sanctification and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.  [Joel 2:25]
 34.  The Woods family is neighbors and friends to prophet.  [Banks Wood]
 35.  John Smith.
 36.  Elvis Presley.
 37.  Demos Shakarian and the Full Gospel Business Men Association.
 38.  Jack Coe dying.

1957 (87 tapes)                                                40 - 63
1.  Holy Spirit is interpreter of Scripture.  [2 Peter 1:20-21]
2.  Eagles.
3.  Church espoused to Christ.  [Galatians 5]
4.  Teaching on music.  [Elvis Presley & Jimmy Osborn]
5.  Israel.  [Jews and Mohammed’s, Moslem of Omar.]]
6.  Revival over in America; revival going overseas.
7.  The 15th Mystery of the baptism of Holy Spirit without sensation.  [John 5:24]
8.  Revelation helps prophet to pray for sick.
9.  God has sent His Message.
 10.  Speaking little fish from dead.  [Third Pull]  [Matthew 17:20,  21:21,  Mark 11:20-24]
 11.  Abortions.
 12.  Eagle & chicken story.  [Little form of Life in you then.]
 13.  Mr. Krause’s healing.  [Divine Love]
 14.  Elohim.  [Hebrews 7]
 15.  Numerology of the Bible.  [Numbers]
 16.  The 14th Mystery of no eternal hell fire.  [Matthew 25:46]
 17.  Divine revelation.   [Matthew 16:15-18]  [Birth of the Holy Spirit.]
 18.  New birth is different from the Baptism of Holy Ghost.
 19.  Four beasts of Revelations.  [Ezekiel 1:10,  Revelation 6:1]  [Lion, ox, man and eagle.]
 20.  New Jerusalem.  [Revelation 21:1-5]
 21.  Brother Branham’s brother Howard Branham dies.
 22.  Altar of Fire.  [Ezekiel 1:26-29]
 23.  Joan of Arc, Saint Patrick and Saint Francis not Catholic.
 24.  Comments on movie the “Ten Commandments”

1958 (80 tapes)                                                64 - 81
1.  Change in gift of discernment so as not to make Brother Branham tired.
2.  Going home of Brother Bosworth.  [January 1958]
3.  Unclean spirit leaves.  [Matthew 12:43-45,  Luke 11:24-26]
4.  Rapture of Bride before tribulation.
5.  Rushing mighty wind as on Day of Pentecost.
6.  Motive & Objective right.
7.  Body must be born again like your soul.
8.  Africa trip vision.
9.  US Constitution broken.
 10.  Pillar of Fire, you must meet It.
 11.  A wicked and adulterous generation.  [Matthew 16:1-4]  [The last generation.]
 12.  New Ministry.  [Third Pull]  [Mark 11:20-24,  Matthew 17:20]
 13.  Statue of the Lord Jesus crucified.
 14.  Three “high words” evil spirits work through.
 15.  Manifested sons of God.  [Romans 8:17-22]
 16.  The 12th  Mystery of “The Serpent’s Seed”.  [Genesis 3]
 17.  The 3rd  Mystery of the Translation.  [1 Corinthians 15:51-54,  1 Thessalonians 4:14-17]
 18.  Brother Evan’s healed of a rattler bite.

1959 (81 tapes)                                                82 - 98
1.  Brother Roy Borders started to work with Brother Branham.
2.  Vision to go to Kingston and Porte Rico.
3.  duPlesis, David works with Brother Branham’s campaign.
4.  Two angels to Sodom and Gomorra.  [Billy Graham & Oral Roberts, etc..]
5.  False Christ and false prophets.  [Matthew 24:21-28]
6.  Brother Kidds’ testimony.
7.  Sister Meda Branham sees Pillar of Fire.
8.  Tax case against Brother Branham.
9.  Squirrels spoken into existence; the Third Pull.  [Mark 11:20-24,  Mathew. 17:20]
 10.  Revelation is progressive.
 11.  Trap set for you!  [Scene of kissing in service.]
 12.  Back to Eden.
 13.  Tongues as on the Day of Pentecost.  [Acts 2:1-18]

1960 (90 tapes)                                                99 - 121
1.  In Kingston, Jamaica.
2.  Young Joseph Branham sees visions.
3.  Third time Brother Branham saw Jesus.  [Third Pull vindicated.]
4.  Prophet visits Oral Roberts’ and Tommy Osborn’s new headquarters.
5.  Vision of a "Pentecostal kitten”.
6.  Dr. Lamsa, translated American Bible from the Aramaic.
7.  New ministry on Daulton’s family.  [The Third Pull]
8.  Brother Branham translated into heaven.  [“Joseph, thou art a prophet.”]
9.  “I’ll call back no tapes.”
 10.  Calvin was murderer.
 11.  Age of Man.  [Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Wesley, etc.]
 12.  Armenians do works to be saved.  [Holiness groups.]
 13.  Pentecost is an experience.
 14.  Discernment.  [Prophet’s vindication he’s interpreter of Divine Word.]
 15.  Thundered across nation after nation, till it's covered the earth.
 16.  Divine One said, “Seven more days, and you’ll stand as Moses stood.”  [Joshua 1:1-9.]
       [See Brother Branham off field..1952  #1]
 17.  Satan’s soul must die.
 18.  “Barking up the wrong tree.”  [Infidel saved]
 19.  Kennedy elected President.  [1933 prophecy fulfilled.]
 20.  Hybrid cannot reproduce itself.  [Genesis 1:11-12]
 21.  Church Ages in Dec. 1960 and vindicated with pillar of fire.
 22.  Prophet is a divine interpreter of the Divine Word.
 23.  Ancient of Days.  [Daniel 7:9,  Revelation 1:10-19]
 24.  New Name to over comers.  [Revelation 2:17,  Revelation 3:12]
 25.  Revelation 3:16 fulfilled.  [Pentecostal Age rejected.]


1961 (93 tapes)                                                121 - 153
1.  Mercy seat turns into judgment seat.
2.  General Superintendent drawed Brother Branham out of their circle.
3.  Mark of Beast, they took it.  [Revelation 13:11-18]
4.  Latter day revival has produced twins.
5.  Natural & Supernatural seed of Abraham.
6.  duPlesis, David and Brother Branham disagree.  [Sleeping virgins. Matthew 25:1-13]
7.  O. L Jagger teaching blood in the hands.
8.  Danny Henry’s prophecy over Brother Branham.
9.  Killed caribou and silver tip grizzly in Canada.  [A vision]
 10.  Chicago Ministerial Fellowship set a trap for Brother Branham.
 11.  Prophet leaving the ministry because being called Jesus Christ.
       [Vision of the bruised serpent.]
 12.  Jesus had four titles.  [Property]
 13.  The 9th Mystery of iniquity.  [2 Thessalonians 2: 3-12.]
 14.  Israel’s covenant with Rome and the confederation of churches.
 15.  Israel establishes the temple worship.  [Last three & 1/2 years]
 16.  John baptizing Jesus.  [Matthew 3:13-17]
 17.  Euphrates significance in the Bible.
 18.  Zerubbabel has laid the foundation…; he shall bring forth the headstone...  [Zechariah 4:1-10]
 19.  Three rainbows.  [Third pull]
 20.  Mother dies 10-5-61 shortly after hunting trip.
 21.  Kissing; men and women.
 22.  Day of Pentecost.  [Acts 2]
 23.  Vision of mamba snake.
 24.  Christ is the Head of the Body.
 25.  White button starts in heart.  [Self-will.]
 26.  Vision; a call to mission field.
 27.  Visions hard to understand, symbolic sometimes.
 28.  Prayer for stolen station wagon.  [Holy Spirit conviction.]

1962 (97 tapes)                                                153 - 168
1.  Five Stars predict a change.  [“An infant church coming forth.”]
2.  Angel, messenger on hair.  [1 Corinthians 11:3-16]
3.  Vision of fighters.
4.  Storing up food in Tabernacle on taped messages.  [By dream]
5.  Vision of shooting a mammoth brown bear.
6.  Message and denominational seeds are sown.  [Malachi 4]
7.  “Purgatory” means “to purge”.
8.  Teaching on education.  [Modern civilization]
9.  Gun blows up in prophet’s face.
 10.  End time Message gets Bride ready for Rapture.
 11.  Revival has ceased, now ripening time.
 12.  Message revival, going on for fifteen years, finished.
 13.  “Message is coming to the end.”
 14.  All men has forsaken me because I’ve stood by the Word.
 15.  Brother Boaz leaving Chicago to minister in Africa.
 16.  Seven dimensions.
 17.  Vision of Marilyn Monroe’s death.
 18.  Adam and Eve different than children.
 19.  Dream of rock box on mountain.  [Statue of perfect man.]
 20.  Ainioan eternal life.  [Greek Lexicon & The Emphatic Diaglott]
 21.  Visions, highest time this year.

[Second half of 1962 continues in Book 5, “The Capstone”.]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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