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Prayer Line 64-13
64-pl-13, Prayer Line 64-13, 77 min

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64-0427 - Ramada Inn, Tucson, AZ (Paragraphs: 255 - 294)
L-256 Now, if we are real, genuine believers, when these Scriptures are ministered to us, there is nothing can tell us any different. There is nothing can say that It's wrong; how many could raise up, how many infidels, how many unbelievers, how many could explain this, that, or the other. God keeps His Word. And Mark 16 is just as inspired as John 3:16. The whole thing is the Word of God. Every Word of It is inspired. All of It is God, if you just read It the way It says. [Mark 16:15-18], [John 3:16]
L-257 I want to call the church to the order of the day, to find out. Before you call anything a devil, you better remember, the promise of this is to be in this day. See? Remember that. Cause, one word against the Holy Ghost is never forgiven in this world, neither in the world to come. And you see the Holy Spirit Himself manifested, doing the same thing. [Matthew 12:31-32]
L-258 I'm looking at a little woman setting here in front of me. I think she's a Presbyterian. I'm not mistaken. Was at my house, not long ago. She had till Wednesday to live, cancer; setting in the room. I just happened to spot her setting by a friend of mine. And she was given till Wednesday to live, by the medics of the city. They're puzzled now. Here she sets tonight, looking fine and healthy, and still living. You're thankful for it, aren't you, sister? Raise your hand, if that's right. See her setting right here. See? Dying, and given till Wednesday, about several months ago. And now the doctors are amazed, to think. What happened It was THUS SAITH THE LORD. His Words are still true.
L-259 When, this Scripture says here, that, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover, if you'll believe. These signs shall follow the believer." They shall. He never said when. And if you're a real believer, there is nothing could separate you from that. [Mark 16:18]
L-260 Listen to Abraham's testimony. Listen at the rest of their testimonies. How many hundreds could I call on the scene today, and show you that God keeps His Word, regardless, if you'll believe It and stand there, and know in your heart that it's going to come to pass.
L-261 When, this little lady, referring to. Now, somebody was telling me, a few minutes ago, excuse me, was telling me a few minutes ago, coming through the dinner line out there, said, "Brother Branham, don't you remember this little lady here, your prayer of faith to her not long ago? She, years ago, was dying with a cancer." Is that woman setting present? Somebody pointed her out to me. Raise up your hand, if you are setting here somewhere. A little woman coming through the line, some man, gray-headed brother, was pointing her out to me, said she was dying with cancer. And here she lives now. Is that lady in the building here now? She was in the dinner room, a while ago. Pointed over there. Yeah. Yeah. There is Mrs. Waldrop back there, that was stay... and dead, in the line, fifteen years ago, seventeen years ago, with her doctor with a--with a x-ray there, that cancer had eat her heart out. But it was THUS SAITH THE LORD.
L-262 Let the critics rise and say what they want to. I'm a witness that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He was then, He is today. He's not "I was," "I will be." He is now, present tense, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And Jesus and His Word is the same. And He is the Word. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] [Hebrews 13:8]
L-263 What did He say? "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." [Mark 16:17-18]
L-264 Before we say this to court, you are the jury. You've heard the case. How many witness could we call? No matter how many other witnesses the--the prosecutor could call, these Words testify against him. He misinterpret the Scripture. How many believes that the Words are true? How many is a believer? Raise up your hand. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right. The Bible said this, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick. God shall raise them up. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." [James 5:15]
L-265 Now look, each one of you. Through this broken up little message, you've drawed some conclusion. Down in your mind, you've made up your mind, 'cause that's the jury. And the way you act from hereafter, that'll prove what your verdict is. See? The way you live from hereafter will prove just what your verdict is. Now, if you go out and say, "Well, I'm just as sick as I was when I come in," there it shows just what kind of a verdict you've made in this court this afternoon.
L-266 I think He's had a fair trial He's had, been brought up as the Word. He's been proved as the Word. He's been identified as the Word. And if I die this night, the Words that I've said is true. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The world knows it. The scientific world knows it. That same Pillar of Fire, the same Angel of the Lord! How many has seen the picture of It? It hangs in Washington D.C., the only supernatural Being was ever photographed. If I die this night, I never see you again, what I've said is the Truth. And God has testified of it, that it's the Truth. And here is the Scripture, says it's supposed to be now. Then call it a devil if you want to. That'll be between you and God. See?
L-267 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He's identifying Himself as He promised. Much more could we say. In these last days, as Son of man, making Hisself known among His people, in the form of His people. See? Not Son of God, not Son of David, but Son of man. The Son of God was the supernatural. [Hebrews 13:8]
L-268 Like Abraham, he seen voices, and heard things, and seen lights, and so forth. But just before the promised son come, God revealed Himself as a Man, in human flesh, and read the thoughts that was in Sarah's heart, in the room behind Him. How many says, knows that's the Scripture? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]...?... [Genesis 18:1-16]
L-269 And He said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of God coming, when the Son of man shall be being revealed." "The Son of man being revealed," not the Son of God in the church age. He's put out of that. Now He's Son of man revealing Himself. The Word is becoming flesh among us. [Luke 17:26-30]
L-270 Oh, my friend, open your eyes, court, before you make your decision. Make your decision and believe it with all your heart. He's justified in writing this in the Scripture. He's justified in what He says. I can prove it. I know He's right. God does prove it.
L-271 He needs nobody to interpret, say, "This is that, and This is that." He says He'll do it, and He does it, and that settles it. He is His own Interpreter.
L-272 You believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] How many is believers, then? Raise up your hand, say, "I'm a believer." I want every believer in here to stand to your feet. Unbeliever, remain seated. Believers stand to your feet.
L-273 In this court, before it adjourns, I want to thank the Lord that this court has made up its mind. The jury has come to this verdict, that Jesus Christ is justified in putting these things in His Word. When it's truly interpreted in the light of the Word, it is the Truth. How many of you, court, believe that? Raise your hand, say, "Before God, I believe that it's the Truth. I believe that it's the Truth." Now, how many, as you put your hand down, say, "I am a believer in what you've said. I believe it to be the honest Truth. It's the Word of God"? Raise up your hand. All right.
L-274 Now I want you, reach right across the table, and lay your hand on another believer. Put your hand right across the table, lay it on another believer. Are we believers? What did He say? "These signs shall follow them that believe." [Mark 16:17]
L-275 Court, have you made up your mind? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "My verdict has been reached." Is that right, "Amen"? ["Amen."] That the Word of God is true, "Amen"? ["Amen."] Mark 16 is true, "Amen"? ["Amen."] Then, "These signs shall follow them that believe." They'll have to recover. ["Amen."] He said so, did He not? ["Amen."]
L-276 Now, the way you pray at church, you pray for the person you got your hands on. They're praying for you. "And these signs shall follow them that believe." What will happen? Your action, from this hour on, will prove what your true verdict is.
L-277 Now bow your head, every one of you. Now pray for the person that you got your hands on.
L-278 Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I call this to Your attention again. These men and women has claimed, by their testimony, that they are believers. They have stood, and they are laying their hands on one another. Lord, we believe Your Word, that in this great day of education, this great day of--of--of going on, of ethics and--and all the educational systems, yet, in the midst of all of it, Your Word remains true just the same.
L-279 And we've called witnesses in this court this afternoon, Lord, to give You a fair trial; not a mock trial, not a mock like Herod give You, or--or--or as one of the others. We're giving You a fair trial here, and proving. And Your people has made up their mind, that the Word of God in 1964, this hour that we're now living, that You're just as much God as You ever was. And every Word that You promised is the Truth. And they've got their hands laying on one another, as believers. They are praying for one another.
L-280 And You said, "These signs shall follow them that believe. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." You never said when. You said, "They shall recover." Now, them being... [Mark 16:17-18]
L-281 As I being the moderator, and these people being the jury, also the judge, they have give witness to this, Lord, by moving to one another's hands, and praying for one another.
L-282 Now, their actions hereafter will certainly prove what their verdict is. May there never be one complain among them, anymore, of ever being sick of this sickness, or whatever bothers them now. May they know that God promised He would do it.
L-283 Sometimes He lingers, as He did in the days of Noah, He did in the days of Moses, He did in all days. But He--He never told the Pentecostal people, "Go up to the city of Jerusalem, in twenty-four hours I'll give you the Holy Ghost." He said, "Tarry there until you're endued with power from on High." He never said, "One day, two days, ten days." He said, "Stay until you're endued with power." Lord, they stayed until the evidence spoke back through them, that it was the Holy Ghost of God. [Luke 24:49]
L-284 Now, may these people, who has their hands upon one another, who stands, this court this afternoon, in the Presence of God, in the Presence of His Word as I've read It. And we testified to this, that we believe that He keeps His Word. And may each one be healed, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
L-285 Now, all you that believe that, from this hour, that a believer that stood to their feet as a believer, and you a believer, that you've testified and give witness before this court this afternoon that you believe that He's just and He keeps His Word. No matter how long it tarries, it's got to happen. Do you believe it? Raise your hand. [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you accept it? ["Amen."] God bless you. I believe it with all my heart.
Now let us bow our heads just a moment.
L-286 Is there a person in here that's been an unbeliever, a person that's not a Christian? I want to give you the opportunity to walk up here to this, before this court, and make a confession, and say, "I have been a doubter, all my life. But, from this day on, I accept Jesus Christ."
L-287 I know that the Bible said, that, "In the days, as it was, in the days of--of Jonah, was in the belly of the whale for three days and nights." [Matthew 12:39-40]
They said to Him, "Give us a sign."
L-288 He said, "A wicked and an adulterous, a Sodom generation, seek after a sign, and they'll get it. They'll get a sign. For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale, three days and nights, so must the Son of man be in the heart of the earth." These disciples that we read about, was misunderstanding, when they wouldn't believe those who had seen Him after He was risen from the dead. [Matthew 12:39]
L-289 We've seen Him. We know that it's true. He is risen from the dead. We believe it. And we're living in a days like it was in the days of--of Jonah, when the cities were perverted into evil. And Jonah come forth, out of a whale's belly, as one from the dead. And, today, we believe Jesus Christ has raised from the dead and is making Hisself known down through the church age as Son of God, and now filling it, fulfilling His promise in the last days, to reveal Hisself to Abraham's royal Seed, as Son of man. [Matthew 12:39-40]
L-290 God bless you. With our heads bowed now, quietly and reverently, while we sing one verse, I Love Him. "I love Him because He first loved me." And if you're not a Christian, and you want to become one, and to take your stand tonight with the Lord's despised few, in this evil day like it was in the days of Noah, like it was in the days of Sodom, come forth while we sing, with our heads bowed and everybody praying. [Luke 17:29-30]

I love Him, I love Him
Because He first loved me
And purchased my salvation
On Calvary's tree.
L-291 Now let us keep our heads lowly, now, as we hum. [Brother Branham begins humming I Love Him--Ed.]
L-292 Think of it. Think of it. Can you shake yourself just a little bit? The very God that made the promise, He is here, making it known, right on earth today, proving it. Here is His Scriptures. Nobody has to interpret it. It's already interpreted. And He purchased my salvation. Won't you accept it?
[Brother Branham continues humming I Love Him--Ed.]
L-293 Now, if you're already a Christian, and you'd like to live closer to God, let's raise your hands while we sing it again, with our heads bowed. Want a closer walk with God; you believe this to be the Truth, that we're living in the last days. "I..."
L-294 God be with you, friend. Don't fail. Don't fail. Believe Him. I love Him. Mean it with all your heart now. Surrender yourself. He is the Word, the Word for this day.
... first loved me...?...

64-0614e - Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN (Paragraphs: 74 - 142)
L-75 Sam Connelly lives in Tucson. He come here once, many years ago, with Mr. Kidd, and was healed; with a standing ulcer for many years. When I went out last fall, Sam had a--a stone that the specialist there, in--in Tucson, examined it. It was big as a marble. Brother Sam Connelly... Many of you here know him; he's from Ohio. And he went to the doctor, and he said, "Sam, make yourself ready next week; I'll take that stone out," couple days from then.
He said, "Can I pass the stone, doctor?"
Said, "It's impossible. The stone is too big."
L-76 So he got him in a car and took him home. And he called; he said, "I want you come over and pray for me, Brother Branham." Why did he call me for such? And I started to praying for him.
L-77 I said, "Sam, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, the stone will pass by itself."
L-78 And the next morning he took the stone to the doctor. And he said, the doctor said, "Mr. Connelly, I don't understand how it happened."
L-79 And he said, "I am a believer in God, and God passed the stone for me, took it from me." The man could hardly believe it, the doctor. Just no more than he could believe of that big tumor leaving my wife's side. You know about, see. So he said...
L-80 About six months later, which was about three... about two weeks ago, or three weeks ago, Sam Connelly was stricken down by a serious heart condition. And I don't know the name, the coronary, or some kind of a heart block, or ever what it is. It's a very dangerous... It won't... You can't get over it, they claim. A heart attack, and his heart blocked. And his limbs swelled out till his ankles were larger than his leg, up here high around his hip. So they took him down to the doctor. The doctor said, "Take him home, peacefully, or to the hospital."
Sam said, "I don't want to go to the hospital!"
Said, "Take him home and put him in the bed, and don't you move head, hand, or foot, for six months." Said, "You could die at any minute."
L-81 And Brother Norman called. And we went over that night, to see Brother Sam. And when we prayed for him, and the Lord spoke.
And the next morning, Sam went down to the doctor's office, with his britchy legs pulled up, stood before the doctor, and said, "Look at me, doctor!"
And the doctor put him under an electrical cardiogram, and he said, "I don't understand it." Said, "Go on back to work." He said, "What church do you belong to?"
He said, "I don't belong to any of them."
L-82 He said "You can't be a Christian without belonging to them denominations. You have to be." See, that's all the doctor knowed. Sam was a nut, to him. And he was a nut, to Sam, by asking such a question.
Then what happened? Sam come over, and he said, "What can I say to anybody that tells me such things, Brother Branham?"
L-83 "Tell them that you 'belong to the one and only Church.' You don't join It. It's not a denomination. You are born into It." [Acts 2:38], [John 3:1-15]
L-84 A little lady, about six months ago, leaning on the bosom of Sister Norman. I forget her name, very pretty little woman about thirty years old. Her and her husband had separated, and she had took leukemia. And she had been in such a condition that she could hardly get around. And finally it got worse until the doctors put her in a bed. And the doctors visit her till the time come. They give her until the following Wednesday. She would be dead by Wednesday. And Mrs. Norman somehow got her out of the bed, and brought her over, and had to hold her up in a chair. And as the little fellow set there, pitching back and forth, and gray as she could be; yellow over the skin, from the cancer, leukemia.
I said, "Well, I can pray for you, sister."
And her trying to speak, and the tears in her eyes, she said...
I--I said, "Are you a Christian?"
She said, "I'm a Methodist."
I said, "I--I asked you if you was a Christian."
And she said, "You mean belong to the Christian church?"
L-85 I said, "No, ma'am. I mean, are you born of the Spirit of God, and love the Lord Jesus?"
She said, "Well, I've always belonged to the church."
L-86 I said, "If God will let you live, will you promise me that you will return to me and let me show you the way of the Lord more plainer?"
She said, "I promise God anything, if He'll spare my life. I'll serve Him."
L-87 Just then a vision come, said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD. Don't make ready; tear up your things for your death, day after tomorrow." That was on Monday, and she was to die Wednesday. "You're not going to die."
Last Sunday, a week from this Sunday, I set with her in the room. Gained thirty some odd pounds; the doctor said there's not one trace of the leukemia could be found anywhere. And she wanted to know; and I sent her down to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, in an irrigation ditch, the way of the Lord. Might be a nut, but, "If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men unto Me." [John 12:32]
L-88 I visit, up at the boy that used to take tapes here, Leo Mercier. He's got a trailer court. And I had been praying for some people. And I prayed for a little lady named Lokar, I believe it was. And she had had fourteen operations of cancer, and the doctors give her up to die. And was prayed for, and told her she would not die, but she would live. And there's not a trace of it anywhere. And because of that, twenty-eight of her family was standing there, saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. Might be a nut, but it's drawing all men unto Him, that will come. It's threaded with the Word. You see what I mean? [John 12:32]
L-89 I got a letter that come in, day before yesterday, laying right back there in the file. Last Fall, while on a hunting trip... or, last Spring, it was a year ago. An Indian boy named Oscar, that we hunt on the highway up there with; it's where the Angel of the Lord, I told you, across here, would bring that caribou and--and that silver-tip grizzly. All of you remember it. Then that boy, when I walked into... He walked into the tent, last Spring. And when Bud asked me to ask the blessing, (he took off his gloves; he was riding), he put them gloves on and was ready to go out. He was a Catholic. He'd have nothing to do with It.
L-90 Last Fall, when he could, standing by my side... When his mother was back there, dying with a heart attack, he said, "Won't you come back and pray for her?" I went back in this little hut of the Indians there. And there, all of them gathered around this mother, and her dying, couldn't speak a word of English. And the Holy Spirit came down and told the mother, through an interpreter, her daughter, what had taken place, which was. Even called her name, and told her what she was, and what tribe she was from, and how that this would happen. And the mother was instantly healed.
L-91 And the next morning when I went back to see them, as I rode out, going forty miles back for a sheep, there they was all setting there, she was all... getting on the horse to go back to dry moose meat. And I said, "Last night when I prayed, I said, 'Our Father Who art in Heaven.'" I said, "Louise, I--I... Was a Catholic prayer. You all started, and then, of course, I left you." And I said, "Now I'm just going to thank God. We don't say prayers; we pray."
L-92 She said, "We no more Catholic." She said, "We believe like you believe. We want you to take all of us and baptize us the way you baptize. We want the Holy Ghost."
L-93 On the trip back... The boy had lost his horses, months before that, couldn't find them. And the guide was bawling him out, said, "Oscar, you knowed better than to leave them horses like that. The bears, lot of grizzlies, would eat them horses up by this time."
And he kept standing close to me. And he said, one night, he said, "Me ask you something?"
I said "Yes."
Said, "Brother Branham, pray God. God give me my ponies back."
I said, "Bud said the bear eat them up."
Said, "Brother Branham, ask God. God give Oscar his ponies back."
I said, "You believe that, Oscar?"
He said, "I believe. God make my mother well. God tell you where bear was, where game was. That God, know where game is, know where my horses is." See?
L-94 A year ago, while standing back there with Fred Sothmann, who is here tonight, Billy Paul, my son. The Holy Spirit came down. I said, "Oscar, you will find your ponies. They'll be standing in snow."
There lays the letter, wrote me last week, and I got it Friday, come in here. It's laying right there in the file now. "Brother Branham, Oscar find ponies standing in snow."
L-95 How they lived, nobody knows. There, the boy... At this time of year, June, there is so much snow there is still twenty or thirty foot of snow around them. How did they stay there through the winter, in this canyon? Oscar can get in to them, on snowshoes, but, course, he can't put snowshoes on his pony. But he found them, according to the Word of the Lord. It might sound like a nut; just believe it one time! Depends on how your threads are.
L-96 Now, it won't thread up with a denomination. It'll only thread with the Word. But there is some people in the world believes that Word! It'll take a nut to wrap that Bride out of here, is threaded, for the Bride and the Bridegroom are one. And the God is one, and the Word is God! It'll have to be threaded with the Word, and It'll draw the Bride out of these denominations. [John 12:32]
L-97 Yeah, he wanted to criticize me. You know, it reminds me of talking about, this morning, God hiding behind skins, skin of man.
L-98 A little story, and then I'm closing; sorry that I kept you here about forty-five minutes now. There's a home, Christian home, and there was a... I told this to this critic. And in this home there was... They believed in God. They had a little boy there, but he was scared to death in a storm. Lightning, oh, he was just scared to death. He would run under tables, anywhere, when it would lightning.
So one night it come a big storm out on the farm, and where they lived, and the trees was blowing, and lightning flashing, getting late in the night. The mother said to Junior, said, "Now, Junior, you go upstairs and go to bed." Said, "Now, don't be scared. Go on up there."
L-99 So little Junior, with his pajamas on, went up the steps, looking back, about half crying. He laid down, tried to go to sleep, covered up his head. He couldn't go to sleep; that lightning flashing around the window. So he said, "Oh, mama," said, "come up here and sleep with me."
Well, she said, "Junior, nothing is going to bother you. That lightning can't hurt you."
He said, "But, mama, come up here and sleep with me."
L-100 So the mother went up the steps and laid across the bed, with her junior. And she said, "Junior, my little son, mother wants to tell you something." She said, "Junior, we are a Christian family. We believe in God, and we believe that God protects us in storms. We believe that. And we believe that God takes care of His own." And said, "I want you to believe that, Junior. That, don't be a scared. God is with us, and He'll protect us."
L-101 Junior snubbed a few times. He said, "Mama, I believe that, too." He said, "But when that lightning is so close to the window, I like to feel the God that's got skin on It."
So I think that a whole lot of us adults think the same thing. God, with skin on It! [] God, with skin on It! It might sound like a nut, to the world, but it's drawing all men unto Him.
Let us pray. [John 12:32]
L-102 Heavenly Father, as the little stories of--of experiences, and sometimes they happen for a reason. And it's, yet as rude as it is, yet we understand it in the language that it happened in. So we thank Thee, tonight, Lord, that--that God can house Himself in us. We're thankful that there was a propitiation made, the Blood of the righteous One, Jesus; Who was the fullness of God, the fullness of the Godhead bodily, that He laid down His precious life; not taken from Him, but willfully laid it down, that we might enjoy Him in the fullness of His Presence, in the Shekinah glory that He lived in; that our souls might be sanctified with that Blood, that the great Holy Spirit Itself could live in us. And we become teachers, prophets, and so forth, to the people, to those, Lord, who are needy; gifts of God; God Himself manifesting, glowing out the great gifts of God, in the presence of this modern age. [Romans 3:23], [I John 4:10], [I John 2:2], [Colossians 2:9], [Ephesians 4:7-12]
L-103 And the rude expression, Lord, of being a nut. And we know, that in this day, that it takes sometime when the world gets in a rut like the church is today, just joining new churches and new denominations. A man who comes forth with the Word is considered a nut, an insane person. As the great apostle Paul, who was trained to be a theologian, a priest, and yet he said he become a fool, for the glory of God. He forsook his education, that the people might... listen to his high-polished words. And he said he come not with enchanting words and wisdom of man, that their faith would be in such. How the church has turned to that today, as he prophesied, "After my departure, wolves shall enter in, not sparing the flock." But he said he came to them, "in power and manifestations of the Holy Spirit," that their faith would be in God. Father, he became a fool, to the world, to know Jesus. [Acts 20:29], [II Corinthians 12:11]
L-104 And so do we today, Lord. There is people setting here that's considered crazy, because that they're ready to trust God for their healing, for their Eternal destination. Placing their reputation at stake, in worship to Him. Thanking Him, praising Him, giving freedom to their spirit, to worship God; they're considered crazy. But You said, that, "The--the foolishness of God," if we are fools, "was stronger and wiser than the wisdom of man; for man, by wisdom, knowed not God. But through the foolishness of preaching, it pleased God to save them that was savable." We pray, God, that the great Author of this Word will come tonight and heal the sick, save the lost. We ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. [I Corinthians 1:18-25]
L-105 I am likening God, so that you won't be mixed up in what I've said today; God is a great Diamond, the Eternal.
And when a diamond is brought out of the blue stones of Africa, I've been in the mines and watched them in the great... how they process this and get the diamonds out, how they go through the crusher, and the great blue fire diamonds, black diamonds come out. They have not much form, certain form. They're just a great stone. And, really, they have no fire in them at that time. They're just a diamond, stone; round, smoothed out, lot of them. But this diamond must be cut. Now, it's against the law to have one not being cut. Must be cut, and then you have to have a receipt where you bought it, 'cause there is millions of dollars in them.
And I liken God to that diamond.
L-106 Now, a diamond is cut so that it will reflect what's on the inside of it, the fire that's in the diamond. And it has to be cut to every little way, every little shape, three points. Put the three points to a diamond, and a light against a three-point object will give seven colors, see, make seven colors.
L-107 And now notice, "God was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities." See, He was cut, bruised, that great Diamond, that from Him might reflect the gifts to the Church. [Isaiah 53:5]
And it isn't the light; because, the light must return back, when the sun is off of it, to where it has been cut from.
But every little piece that comes from that chipping is not destroyed; it's put to use. Many of them are made to Victrola needles. And those needles bring forth, that's been chipped from the diamond, bring forth music that's been canned into a record. [Isaiah 53:5]
L-108 And I hope you see what I mean. The chip from Christ, the gift from Christ, put upon the Bible, speaks out the hidden mysteries of God to the believer. He knows the secret of the heart. He knows every person. Do you believe that? [Psalms 44:21]
It would not be the diamond saying, "You see what I am?" It's what he come from. The diamond is a diamond because he's off of a diamond.
L-109 And that's the way the gifts of the Spirit is, a... to the person, it's a part of that Diamond. It's sent, and been brought down, and brought into a gift, to interpret, to preach, to teach. There is five spiritual gifts; apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists, and they are all for the edifying of the Body of Christ. And just as sure as there is teachers, pastors, there's got to be prophets. We know that. [Ephesians 4:11]
L-110 And we believe that God is to be manifested in the last day, among His people, to the elect Seed, according to the Bible, in the form of prophet. That's exactly with the Word. Not that the man is God, but that the gift is God. See? And that's the needle. [Luke 17:30]
Now, a pin won't play that record right. A regular sewing needle won't play it right. But a diamond, it's the best. It brings it out clear, a diamond-pointed needle.
L-111 May God, tonight... Your record of life, whatever that's wrong with you, whatever that you're desiring from God, may the great Master Who holds the needle in His hand, may He put it upon your life and reveal to us what you're here for, what you want; then we'll know that He's here.
L-112 Heavenly Father, will You grant it before I start this prayer line, not aiming to do this, but will You grant it, that the people might know. May be strangers here to be prayed for. I know not them, but You do. And Paul said, "If you speak with tongues, and there be no interpretation or give no edification, the people will say you're mad. But if one prophesies and reveals what's on the heart, then they'll say, 'Truly God is with you.'" Let it be again, God, in this late hour. You promised it, and so shall it be. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. [I Corinthians 14:20-30]
L-113 Now I wonder how many sick people in here tonight, that's here? Or did Billy give out prayer...? Is any prayer cards give out? [The brethren say, "Yes."--Ed.] There is. Well, I guess every sick person has got a prayer card, but I don't know what you wrote on it. I think he just gives you a card; you write what you want to on it. Is that it? Just got the card; you put on it whatever you want.
L-114 I don't know you. How many here knows that I don't know you, and yet you're sick, and you would say this, "What I've heard you say today, 'God behind skins. God behind human skin, veiling Himself'"? But if you got spiritual eyes, you could open and see Him, see Who He is. And you believe that. Jesus said, "He that believeth in Me the works that I do shall he also; more than this shall he do, for I go to the Father." Now, if you believe with all your heart! [John 14:12]
L-115 How many in here that's sick, and knows that I do not know you, know what's wrong with you? Just raise up your hand, say, "I am sick. I have need." How many has desires in their heart, not sick, but has desires? You know what...?... All right. There isn't there anybody, that I seen, but what held up their hand. Now, I don't know...
L-116 I know this man setting here. I'm sure that's Brother James, and I think that's Sister James. Brother Ben, I know. Just your faces, sometimes; the brother taking the pictures. But the...
Let somebody back in here, anywhere, just... I--I--I challenge this, on the basis, and the closing of this Message.
L-117 Do you know God promised this to happen in the last days? He made the promise. See? Now I can't make it happen. See, I--I cannot do that. He has to do that. He is the One Who does it; not me. But I believe in Him, or I wouldn't be standing here telling you something that I didn't believe in. Now, you pray, and you say, "Lord Jesus, I'm taught in the Bible that You're a High Priest right now, that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." I don't care where you are. And just say, "I believe You. And, by faith, I believe what that man said today." [Hebrews 4:15]
L-118 That's what the Angel told me, "Get the people to believe you." And if I tell the Word of God, it ain't "believe me," it's "believe the Word."
If it ain't with the Word, then don't believe it. But if you believe it is the Word, then, whatever it is, you pray and you believe, and see if He still can reveal what's in your heart.
L-119 And anybody knows that the Bible said, that, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, and discerns the thoughts and intents in the heart." [Hebrews 4:12]
That's how Abraham knew that that was God, when He could tell what Sarah was saying back in the tent, what she was thinking about; when He said, "I'll visit you," and Sarah thought in her heart, "It can't be so." [Genesis 18:1-15]
L-120 Now, I said He is here to heal you. What do you think about it? If you'll just believe! Now, I can't, I have no certain way; Heavenly Father knows that. See? I just got to see it. And what I see, I say; and what I--I don't see, course, I can't say. But He's just as much God! Would that increase your faith, if He would do it?
Preaching like that, it kind of throws me out a little bit. But He is here. I'm conscious of that.
L-121 Watching a man as he bowed his head, right back here. His wife setting by him, praying, also. Right here. Got something on your heart. Your wife, praying. Got a burden on your heart. It's for your mother-in-law. That's right. You believe God can tell me what's wrong with your mother-in-law? I don't know you. We're strangers to one another. So that's right? You believe God can tell me what's wrong with her? She isn't here. I see a great distance; she is in east from here. She's in Ohio. That's right. She is suffering with a blood condition. Have your wife to take that handkerchief there, she is crying on, place on her. Don't doubt; she'll get well. Believe that?
L-122 Here is a little lady setting right here in front of me. She is crying. There is something wrong with the child, I don't know... No, it's nothing wrong. She's just got a desire. She is desiring to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Believe, child, you're going to receive It. That's right. Don't you doubt.
L-123 Here is a lady setting out here on the end of the row. She is praying. I'm a stranger to her, but she's shadowed. You had operations. If we're a stranger to each other, I suppose. I don't know you. You don't know me, only by just maybe hearing of me. You're not from here. You're a stranger among us. You're from Wisconsin. The city is Milwaukee. And your trouble is cancer; it's on the breast. Operation after operation, yet without success. Let the faith, that touched the hem of His garment, believe it right now. Sink it in your heart; it shall come to pass. Have faith! [Mark 5:25-34], [James 5:15]
L-124 A man setting over in the corner here. He is praying for his mother. He's a stranger to me. I don't know him. But he's praying for his mother. And his mother has the same thing this woman has, cancer. Or, she is scared of it, which it is. There is a man you're praying for, and that man has trouble with his back. He is, also, I see him intoxicated. He's an alcoholic. Your brother. You're not from here. You're from Illinois. You believe God can tell me what your name is? Farmer. Is that right? Raise up your hand. Believe!
L-125 There is somebody kneeling over somebody, praying, somebody laying on a cot. All right. Do you believe what you've heard, to be the Truth, lady? You do. If I could heal you, I'd come do it. But you're already healed by Christ, you see. You just got to believe it. That lady standing there, praying, was praying for you to be touched. I don't know you, but God knows you. You're from out of town, also. That's right. You're from Illinois. That's exactly. The city is called East Moline, Illinois. [The sister says, "That's the city where I was born."--Ed.] You suffer with cancer. You're a minister's wife. Do you believe? ["Yes."] You'll die, laying there. Why don't you accept Him tonight, and say, "I can, in my heart, with my faith above anything that's here, I believe that I am healed. I'm in the Presence of God." Rise up, believe, and go home and be healed. There she is.
Do you believe with all your hearts? [Congregation rejoices--Ed.] Let us praise God.
L-126 Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for all Thy goodness and mercy. We thank Thee, for, You're still here, right in the midst of all this trouble. In this world that's perverted, yet You're here. Let Thy Spirit, Lord, ever remain with us. We see that You are here, God with skin on it, in the human hearts; giving faith, and revelation, and vision. You are God in Your Church, God in Your people. We thank Thee for this, Lord. And may everyone believe, tonight, with one accord, and may they be healed. Through Jesus Christ's Name, I pray. Amen.
L-127 How many over there has prayer cards, on that side? Let them that's on that side, move back, come right in the middle of this aisle. Them on that aisle, come right out this a way, just take your place, come right out this a way. Let those, as soon as they are finished up, this line catch the next side.
L-128 Elders come here. Brother Roy, the Lord bless you; didn't know you was setting there. I want the deacons of the church here immediately, if they can get in from ever where they're at. Come here for a little help.
I want each one that's going to be prayed for, raise up your hand, say this behind me.
Lord, [Congregation says, "Lord,"--Ed.] I believe. ["I believe."] Help Thou my unbelief. ["Help thou my unbelief."] I believe ["I believe"] that in Your Presence, ["that in Your Presence,"] as I follow Your Word, ["as I follow Your Word,"] and my... the hands is laid on me tonight, ["and the hands is laid on me tonight,"] I'm going to accept my healing, ["I'm going to accept my healing,"] in Jesus' Name. ["in Jesus' Name."] Amen. ["Amen."] God bless you.
L-129 Now watch. "The prayer of faith shall save the sick. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." He told Noah it was going to rain. It never--He never... I never said, "As soon as--as you're prayed for, you're going to be well." He said, "They shall recover."
L-130 He told Noah it was going to rain. It never rained for a hundred and twenty years, but it rained.
He told Abraham he was going to have a baby by Sarah. It never happened for twenty-five years, but had it.
Told Isaiah a virgin was going to conceive. It never happened for eight hundred years, but she conceived.
Is that right? He promised it! No matter how long it takes, He does it, anyhow. You believe that. [Genesis 7:4], [Genesis 17:19], [Isaiah 7:14]
L-131 Come forward now. Let Brother Capps lead the singing. You'll move the cards? Now let everybody be in prayer now.
L-132 Our Heavenly Father, we're going to obey Your commandments by laying hands upon these sick people. I don't know one thing else You could do, Lord, for You have said, in Your Word, You've purchased their healing. You've proved that You're here with us tonight, the Word that can discern the thoughts that's in the heart. You've proved that, that You are among us. And I pray, Thee, Father, that Your Word, which cannot fail, will be made so real to each heart! That You said, "If you can believe it; don't doubt, but believe it; say to this mountain, 'Be moved,' and don't doubt, but believe that it will come to pass!" He didn't say when. [Hebrews 4:12]
L-133 You told the people, at Pentecost, to go up there and wait. You never said hours, days; You said, "until." Now they're coming to accept their healing. May they never think of nothing else but their healings here, until the deliverance comes. We obey You by laying hands, upon them, as believers. In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
L-134 All right, come right by now. [Brother Branham and the brethren lay hands on the people, and pray for each one in the prayer line.] You're healed. God bless you. That's good. []
All things are possible, only believe;
Only believe, only believe,
Lord Jesus, I pray for these handkerchiefs now, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Wonder if we could change them words:
Now I believe, it's now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe;
Now I believe, now I believe,
All things are possible, now I believe.
L-135 Do you believe that what has been asked and desired shall be granted? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] It shall happen.
L-136 I saw, passing through the line a few moments ago, some of my Italian friends from Chicago. How many knows Sister Bottazzi from Chicago? Well, you know, she had a--a mental, nervous break just recently, very, very bad. But the morning in Chicago at the Christian Business Men's breakfast, I told the sister, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. She come back to one side, and she just couldn't hold herself together. And I said, "Sister, you won't get over it right away, but you're going to be well." I said, "It'll be either eighteen months, or two years, right in that bracket you'll be made well."
L-137 The other day while speaking with her... I heard her testifying, so happy, the happiest she had ever been in all of her life. She was riding in a car. She had no peace, the Presence of God seemed to have departed from her; course, it was mental nerve, you know; and all of a sudden it returned with a great flow of joy, and the power of the Holy Spirit was upon her. She wept, she cried, she--she had... They just had a great time, about three or four weeks ago, or a month. And I heard her testify, Sunday before last, and she said, "Brother Branham, when I got back, I marked down and took that tape. And it was exactly eighteen months, to the day." Amen.
Do you love Him? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Isn't He wonderful? ["Amen."]
L-138 Now, the same Holy Spirit that can predict exactly, without missing one time, all these years; and, through His Word, has tried to uncover to you today that God isn't some object way off or some historical something. He's a living, present tense, His Word made manifest. Hid Himself in human veil, in His Church, revealing Himself by your faith and my faith, together, coming together, making the unit of God. I can do nothing without you; you can do nothing without me; neither could do anything without God. So, together it makes the unit, the connection. God sent me for the purpose; you believe it; and there it happens. That's just it, see, confirmed perfectly.
I don't care what's wrong with you, what anyone has said; if, from your heart, you believe that you're going to be well, there is nothing can ever stop it. He said so. And He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word won't fail." Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] [Matthew 5:18], [Matthew 24:35], [Mark 13:31], [Luke 21:33]
L-139 How many will pray for me in other meetings as I go? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] I'm one who needs prayer. See? Everybody has turned me down, see, but you, and yet there is Seed out there.
L-140 I sent a letter to South Africa. They wouldn't let me come in unless I would sign a paper that I "would baptize, over on that side, everybody three times; once for the Father, and once for the Son, and the Holy Ghost, face forward. On the other side, I'd baptize backwards, one for the Father... And teach that was Doctrine."
I wrote them a letter. I said, "The Holy Spirit has been trying, for the last few years, to get me in Africa again. He wants to use my ministry there where thirty thousand accept Christ one afternoon." I said, "Remember, the blood of them souls be upon you, not upon me. I've offered to come, but you won't do it."
I wonder what it'll be in this day when Jesus, the Son of God has been turned from the church, the Word rejected? But in--in all that, He still is making Hisself known to His people. Aren't you thankful for it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
L-141 And I passed by, tonight, put my hands on them, some aged women, some young, some old, some young men, old man, just soaking wet as I am. I thought, "Setting there, setting there listening at the Word that the rest of the world thinks is crazy." See? They are--they are the bolt. See, God is here to thread it up, draw you right out of your sickness. It's a promise of the Word. Just remember, it'll start tightening, "I will draw them; if I be lifted up, I'll draw them." He'll draw it out of you. He sure will. You just believe Him, have faith in Him. Don't doubt Him. Believe Him.
L-142 Pray for me. When you have no one else to pray for, just remember me.
And then until we meet! till we meet!
Till we meet...
Thanks for coming those long ways. God protect you as you go home!
Till we...
Greet all the Christians, salute them, from this group here. God's peace upon you! Shalom!
God be with you till we meet again!
[Brother Branham begins humming God Be With You--Ed.]
... till we meet!
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet! till we meet!
God be with you till we meet again!

64-0617 - Municipal Auditorium, Topeka, KS (Paragraphs: 155 - 207)
L-156 Now how many does not have a prayer card and you believe that God will heal you, raise up your hand. God bless you. That's right, have that faith. Now remember, friends, while they're getting ready for the prayer line, now, don't--don't--don't move around now, just for the next ten or fifteen minutes, till we get ready, 'cause, see, you're a spirit.
L-157 I want to ask you something. I said, and read out of the Scripture, that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And just temporarily, haven't primarily did it yet, showed you that He is supposed to get this very same thing again in the last days. How many believes that? Malachi 4 and all of it is supposed to return right back again, Him again come down and identify Himself in a prophetic Message, to turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith; apostolic, pentecostal Faith of the fathers. That's exactly what is supposed to be done. Not some creed; but back to the original Faith. Now we believe that with all of our heart. [Malachi 4:5-6]
L-158 Now some of you there that doesn't have a prayer card. Now, remember, I am His servant and you're His servant, God in me and God in you. You're in a need, and me here to serve you, brings that together and makes it God.
L-159 Now, the little woman, one time. Let me give you another Scripture, I believe it's in Saint John, also. There was a little woman that, was, she had a blood issue. Let's say she didn't have a prayer card, and she wanted to get prayed for. But there was so many standing there, she couldn't get in the line. So she said, "If I can only touch His garment, I'll be made well." How many remembers the story? Why, sure. And what did she do? She pushed through that crowd and touched His garment. [Matthew 9:21]
L-160 Now, the Palestinian garment hangs free, and it's got an underneath garment, too, 'cause the dust on the limbs, you know, so it's a... hangs free. Now you might touch a man's coat, and he wouldn't feel it, just the border of his coat. But how about that big, thick, heavy Palestinian garment, it hanging down around His feet, see? He never felt that, physically.
L-161 But she touched His garment and she went back in the crowd. Let's say she sat down. She might have stood up, but say she sit down. What happened? Jesus stopped and said, "Who touched Me?" [Luke 8:45]
L-162 And, you know, Apostle Peter thought that was so ridiculous, till the people... Why, he rebuked Him for it. In other words, he might have said, "Why, look, everybody is touching You. They'll think this, 'You're mentally wrong.' See? Why, everybody is trying to touch You, Rabbi." [Luke 8:45]
L-163 He said, "But I perceive that I have gotten weak. Virtue," that's strength, "gone from Me."
L-164 That one little woman now brought strength from Him. He looked around in the audience and He found where she was, and He told her her trouble and what had happened. The Bible said that, "He is now a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities." Is that right? Now if you have that same faith in that same Jesus, it'll do the same thing for you. [Hebrews 4:15]
L-165 Now be real reverent. Pray. Don't doubt. Believe with all your heart that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He'll grant to you these blessings.
L-166 Now, Father, let Your great Holy Spirit reveal to us the Word identified in flesh, their flesh and my flesh. And may the Word and promise of tonight's Gospel, that's been preached, be interpreted by the great Holy Spirit Himself, for He promised He would be with us. And He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In Jesus Christ's Name, we commit ourselves to You, with the Message, that You might confirm the Word with signs following, as You did according to Mark 16. Amen.
L-167 Now everybody real reverent. Please don't move. Sit real still, see. Now, remember, sometimes we've come in a conflict. How many is in here that's born-again Christians, let's see your hands. Well, that's fine, then you know what I'm talking about.
L-168 Now, is this, this is the lady? This is the first lady in the line. All right. Now, this lady and I, as far as I know, are strangers, a very beautiful picture of Saint John, the 4th chapter. Jesus met a woman at the well of Samaria, a panoramic something like this, first time they had ever met in life. And so far as I know, this is the first time we met. We are strangers to each other. If that's right, just so that the people see that it's true, just raise up your hand. So see, this is us, first time.
L-169 Now if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, now to speak with the woman, the way He did the woman at the well, would be find out something that she has done, or something that's wrong with her, or something on the... something that I know nothing about, and would reveal it to her. Which, I never seen her, I am just... first time I was ever in this city. And I'm just here, she is a stranger. Now would that make Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? Would that make the Word a discerner of the thoughts that's in the heart? See? See? It would make Him the same yesterday... [Hebrews 13:8], [John 4:1-30]
L-170 And here is my hands, and my Bible, I never seen the woman in my life. God knows that. She is just a woman standing there. I--I know no more about her than the rankest stranger there is in here, to her. That's true, and she knows that.
L-171 I don't know her; but He does. And He is the Word, and the Word reveals the secret of the heart, tells the things, the wrongs, tells her something. If she has done anything wrong, not confessed under the Blood, He'll tell her about it. If she is a make-believer, He'll tell her about it. If she is a believer, He'll tell her about it. If there is anything physically wrong, tell her about it. If she is something for something else, He'll tell her about it. He can do all that, 'cause He is God. He knows all things. I don't know; she doesn't know me and I don't know her. Now if He reveals that in that way, you know it's still the Word, Hebrews 4:12, "The Word of God reveals the secrets that's in the heart, knows the condition."
L-172 Now if God will--will reveal this to us tonight, sister, as you and I stand here together, then you would--you would know it couldn't be me. It would have to be Him. Now I just want to talk to you a minute, because talking in the Word like this. Why, I am preaching, you see, and then I come back, I just speaking to you like He did the woman at the well, carry a conversation with her until He found out what was her trouble. Now if God will reveal to me what your trouble is, well, you'll know whether it's the truth or not.
L-173 And will all of you believe? Anybody out there know the woman? Raise up your hand if there's any people... Oh, yes, plenty people know her. Yeah. All right.
L-174 Now may the Lord Jesus grant this, see. That would be not only the preached Word, it would be the Word made flesh, speaking out, revealing. Now the Bible doesn't say that you will be standing here, and what's be wrong with you, and all about it, and what you're here for, or what you done. It doesn't say that. But the Word does come down, that identifies the speaker, see, that the Word of God; then the Message is true, then God is identifying the Message to be the Truth. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and the full Gospel have to be the Truth then, if it's identified right.
L-175 One thing, you're all nervous, real nervous. You're upset about something. That's right. You're worried. You've had this for sometime. And what it is, it's a condition on your limb. It's on your right limb. You're scared it's cancer. It's bothering you all over. That right side is completely out. You're bothered in your stomach, makes you sick. If that's true, raise up your hand. Don't fear, just believe and He'll make you well. Do you believe it? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, go thanking God for it, and be well. The Lord bless you. I just want to lay hands on you.
L-176 Do you believe He is the same yesterday, today, and forever? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
L-177 Now here is a picture again, a white man, colored woman. Jesus a Jew, her a Samaritan; see, He let them know there is no difference in the human race. God died for all of us. That's right. He is... "God made of one blood, all nations." The country we was raised in, changing our color, had nothing to do with what's on the inside of us. Yeah, that's right.
L-178 Now you are a Christian. Quickly I can feel the welcome feeling, that you are a Christian. That's your spirit. That would be just like He said, "Behold an Israelite, in whom there is no guile."
L-179 Now, I see you've been very sick. An examination proves that you have cancer. That is right. And that cancer, do you believe that He can tell me where it's at? According to the statistics, that cancer is in the colon. If that's right, raise up your hand. Now you know that Something is standing here that knows you. Do you believe that He'll make you well? If your faith can pull Him there, touch His garment and reveal the same thing He did then, then go believe Him and you'll get well of that, and be well. If you'll believe it, just believe, just that simple, sister, just to believe. Don't doubt.
L-180 I suppose that we are strangers, too, to each other? We don't know each other. God knows both of us. Do you believe that God could reveal to me your trouble? Do you believe He could reveal to me trouble of anybody out there? You believe it?
L-181 How many out there believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
L-182 What do you think about it? Do you believe with all your heart? Then your gall stones won't bother you no more. I--I felt it coming, I "was reading the people's mind," I just wanted you to see I wasn't doing it.
L-183 All right, you believe me to be His servant? [Sister says, "I do believe."--Ed.] With all your heart? ["With all my heart."] Thank you. You are a Christian. ["I am."] Yes, you are, and not a hitch-hiker; a real Christian, and you're born again. All right. Do you believe that--that I, being your brother, know nothing about you; but our Heavenly Father, Who knows us both, could reveal to me what your trouble is? ["I do."]
L-184 I see that you've had plenty of it. You've had an operation, and the operation was for cancer. You removed a breast, that's right, and you're still bothered with it. You believe you're going to be well from now on? Pass right by here, believing with all your heart. And God bless you, may the Lord God heal you. May...
L-185 Have faith. Don't doubt. Just believe with all your heart that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
L-186 Now do you believe, lady? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you. You don't know me. We are total strangers. But the Heavenly Father would reveal to me something wrong, something that you've done, something that you ought not have done, or ought to have done and did not, whatever it is, whatever it might be, you will believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You know it would have to be Him that would do it. Is that right?
L-187 You are troubled with a--a--a growth, and that growth is on the head. You're scared. Right. You believe that it will come off now, that Jesus Christ will make you well? As you have believed it, so shall it be to you. Go believing. Amen. God bless you. Just on your road, believe. Don't, don't doubt. Just believe with all your heart.
Have faith. Don't doubt. Just believe with all your heart.
L-188 Your stomach has been bothering you. Stomach trouble. Want to go eat? Believe. That's it.
L-189 How do you do? We are strangers to each other. I don't know you, you don't know me. But there is Somebody here, unseen, but veiled in between us, that knows what your trouble is. I see you trying... Yeah, it's arthritis. You believe He'll make you well of that? [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] Go, believe it, and you'll never be crippled up with it if you'll just believe it.
L-190 You have many things that's bothered you. A ladies trouble, for a long time; then, another thing, your--your main thing that you're interested in being healed, is arthritis, also. You believe that He'll make you well? Go, believe it. That's just all it is, just have faith and don't doubt.
L-191 I'm a stranger to you. I have never seen you in my life. There is another woman keeps appearing. If God will reveal to me something about you... Yeah, yeah, it's a tumor; facing an operation. That little woman laying in that chair is facing the same thing, is a tumor. You believe with all your heart? You do? God will make both of you well if you'll believe it. Lay your hand over on her. That's it. In the Name of the Lord Jesus, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, may you be healed, sister.
L-192 See, you, I can't explain that, friends, don't ask me to. Pressure, power, one... What is a tumor? It's a growth. What is a growth? Multiplication of cells. What are you? Multiplication of cells. What is a tumor? In the Bible, it's called a devil, tormentor; see him screaming for help, and that answered back. See, two just alike, and that's--that's what did it. All right.
L-193 Come, lady. We are strangers to each other. You've had a nervous condition for a long time, which has caused you to have a stomach condition, stomach trouble, peptic ulcer, souring in your stomach, and sensitive your teeth, and so forth. You believe that Jesus Christ will make you well now? [The sister says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, go eat your supper then. Believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well. Just believe it now. ["Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus."]
L-194 We are strangers to each other. Where does God live in a human being? In the heart. That is where your trouble is at, it's in your heart, not because of the lack of God. But by letting your faith loose, to heal that heart trouble, and you'll get well. Go, believing, believe with all your heart. Now, don't doubt. Go, believing.
L-195 "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." How many believes with all your heart? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Do you believe that God is here to make you well? Are you... Is the Word made flesh? ["Amen."] What is it? Now, no matter how much I believe, you've got to believe, too. See, that woman touched His garment, believed. [Mark 9:23]
L-196 Here is a man sitting over here looking at me. Got hernias and hemorrhoids. Do you believe God will make you well? If you do it, you can have what you've asked for.
L-197 Anybody else in here that believes that God heals the sick and the afflicted? You believe that the Word, tonight, knows the secret of the heart? Do you believe that? All right. It's now it's we are really late from what we was.
L-198 How would you believe this? Now you know that Scripture is made plain, don't let the veil of flesh now bother you, see. Remember, it's the promised Word of today. How many understands it? The promised Word. I don't know how much impersonation you've seen. But, so help me, Jesus Christ promised this, and this is true. See, that, that is true.
L-199 Now does He also say, the last words He said before He left the earth, ascended up into Heaven, said, "Go ye into all the world," Mark 16, "preach the Gospel. He that believe and is baptized shall be saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. These signs shall follow them that believe"? Did you ever read it? What was the last commission? "If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." How many knows that to be true? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] [Mark 16:16]
L-200 Now every one of you, a few minutes ago, raised your hand that you was a believer. Now won't you just lay your hands over on one another there? We won't have to go on; you know He is here, why not just lay your hands over on each another and pray for that person sitting by you, if you're a believer. Now, He said! Now, no, it's not on me; it's you, each one of you. Do you believe it now? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."'--Ed.] All right.
L-201 Now, look, don't you pray for yourself, because the person that's got their hands on you is praying for you. See, you pray for them, and I am going to pray for all of you. And if you'll just believe it, with one accord, this will be one of the greatest times you've ever seen.
L-202 The Presence of Jesus Christ, which ought to illuminate the church, to know that in this last days where creeds and denominations and isms and everything has got the--the Word all smothered out, and Jesus the Word on the outside of the church, and you see Him come right back among the people and identify Himself as He promised, "in the last days when the Son of man is being revealed." He was revealed in the baptism; He was revealed in Divine healing; here He is in His last attribute. Remember, that was the last thing that Abraham saw before the fire fell and judged the Gentile world, and before the promised son came on the scene, Isaac. This is the last thing that the Christian church will see, in the sign of miracle, until the appearing of Jesus Christ. If God has give me favor before you, believe me in the Name of the Lord, there is nothing else left in the Bible to be done but take on the mark of the beast; and you have the Seal of God.
L-203 Pray for that person laying there, sitting next to you. Put your hand upon them. I--I was looking for cripples; I don't see none. But that cot, I believe, has already been, oh... All right, put your hands on one another and pray.
L-204 Dear Jesus, great immaculate Son of the living God, Who is here tonight in the form of the Holy Spirit, changed His form and came down and revealed His Word right in human flesh; man, women, of all walks of life, showing that He still lives. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
L-205 Lord Jesus, we are here in this great city of Topeka, we are here gathered with Your children. And we pray, that as You have been so identified among us, that now You will confirm Your Word, the last commission, saying, "They shall lay hands upon the sick, they shall recover." And people, confessors, and born again of the Spirit, is now laying their hands upon each other, to identify themselves with each other, with Your commission and Your Word.
L-206 Now, Satan, you cannot hold these sick people any longer. They are subjects of the Word of God. Come out of them, the sickness that's in their body. Torment them no more. Let them go free, from tonight on. We, as the servants of God, that has been identified to confirm the Word, adjure thee in the Name of the living God, Jesus Christ the Word made flesh among us, come out of this sick people, and let them go, for the Kingdom of God's sake, and the commandment given us by Jesus Christ the Son of God. Amen.
L-207 All that believe and accept Your healing, without one shadow of doubt, here inside the veil of the Shekinah Glory, to see the promised Word which we'll get into greater this week, see It manifested right here before us, let us stand to our feet and say, "I now accept my healing. I believe that Jesus Christ now heals me. With all my heart, I believe it. I accept it, in the Name of Jesus Christ." God bless you. Raise your hands now. And each one of you, in your own way, give Him thanks for your healing. Amen.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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