“See, I think that baptism... Oh, I do say it's essential; I wouldn't want to say it isn't essential. But it is essential because it's... Every commandment of God is essential. Don't you think so? It's essential that we must be baptized. Jesus give this statement in Saint Matthew, or Saint Mark 16; He said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel; he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." And when He was talking to Nicodemus, He said, "Except a man be born of water and Spirit he will in no wise enter the Kingdom." It must be baptized. I believe in immersing, in the baptism, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be raised again in newness of life, to walk after the commandments of God. But you say, "Brother Bill, did you ever baptize anybody over, who had been baptized when they was a little fellow and then be rebaptized?" Many times.
“So there--there's a Scripture over in Revelations the 2nd chapter, speaking to the church, He said, "Repent and do your first works over again." And many of them interpret that Scripture to say this, that that means you'd have to go right back and do the same thing over. Well, if you'll notice, dear Christian friend...“Now, I'm not disagreeing with this now, see, 'cause we've got the baptistery filled up. We're ready to baptize anybody that wants to be baptized at any time. But we're not disagreeing. If you want to be baptized, if that's something that's standing in your way and you feel like you should be, you go do it. That's right. You go do it. Don't let nothing stand in your way; you make yourself perfectly clear.
There's only one Scripture in the entire Bible that people was rebaptized, and that was those who was baptized by John the Baptist before the Holy Ghost came. Paul, in Acts 19:5, told them that they had to be rebaptized again in the Name of Jesus Christ in order to receive the Holy Ghost. See?
“Now--now, you don't have to be baptized to receive the Holy Ghost, because you can receive the Holy Ghost when your heart's right. See? Because on Acts 2 Peter give a formula to--a formula to "Repent, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." But then, in Acts 10:49, God turned around and give the Gentiles the baptism of the Holy Ghost before they was ever baptized at all. You see? So, you see, it's the condition of your heart.
“But, to me, I must be faithful and true to the Bible. Therefore, Paul commanded people that had been baptized some other way besides the Name of Jesus Christ, and constrained them to come and be rebaptized again in the Name of Jesus Christ. To preach that same Gospel, I've got to do the same thing, to restrain and to persuade people.” [Water Baptism 59-0329M]
“Therefore, Lord, I am as the servant of Yours in days gone by, constraining them to come and be rebaptized again, that I might say that at that day, that "I have done all that I know how to do in the face of criticisms and what more, but tried to live true to this Bible." [Water Baptism 59-0329M]
“This is Sister Downing, also from Memphis, Tennessee. God has been good to this family: how he has--has been to her mother, who's had a long sick spell. This is one of my wife's best friends. And she comes today, not because of persuasion, she comes because of conviction, that she wants to be rebaptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. God, bless this woman.” [Water Baptism 59-0329M]