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June 2010 Newsletter - Excerpts

This Month's Featured Email

---Original Message---
From: Bro. Paul
Sent: May 30, 2010 10:21 AM

Thanks to God for the newsletters you sent sent me through the hand of my pastor Jefferey here in Kintampo, I've been longing for it for a long time as my pastor has been quoting some of the message quotes from it while preaching and he also gave me some that he had doubles of from the past year.
Just last week Sunday after church service, he gave me and others a whole lot of them and a bible each,.
So I've come to express my appreciation to youand I ask for more of your prayers daily as I go with my pastor Jeff day after day on evangelism interpreting for him in shwi language in church service. It is just by God's grace. Thanks and GOD Bless you richly sir.
Yours faithfully,
Bro Paul
Brong - Ahafo Region, Ghana.

---Original Message---
From: Bro. Ezra
Sent: May 18, 2010
Subject: Re: "The Lord Himself Shall Give You a Sign" - LWB December 2009 Newsletter

God bless you Bro Robert Wilson,
I just dont know how to say this,its just tremendous.The newsletters you have been sending me are of great, great blessing to my soul. I am in university and sometimes to get going to church services is quite hard so I normally read through the newsletters and I get so blessed. My brother, may the Almigthy bless you all together with your fellow brethren whom you are working with.
I also want to request much of your prayers that God may give me grace to stand for His word no matter how others may find it so naive or foolish to stay in the message.
Bro Ezra

---Original Message---
From: Bro. Darius
Sent: May 26, 2010
Subject: RE: Your request for Healing Thoughts - Living Word Broadcast

Good afternoon Brother Charlie Kincaid,
I received the message book (healing thoughts) including the four message books that you send me on 20th May 2010. God bless you for this wonderful gift. I am grateful for your love shown to me. Keep praying for me that I may stand firmly on Gods word that has been revealed in our time.
Bro. Darius

Excerpts From Guestbook, TestimonyBook & Eye Witness Accounts
May 03, 2010 - 10:29 PM Emmanuel Baah jr from United States God richly bless all brethren behind this tremendous ministry. Evangelizing the WORD of our Lord Jesus Christ in the last days is the Ultimate. Daniel 12:3 is your portion. Amen
LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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