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Prayer Line 56-14
56-pl-14, Prayer Line 56-14, 75 min

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56-1005 - Lane Tech High School, Chicago, IL (Paragraphs: 63 - 84)
L-64 Now, here's a--a lady here; I suppose that she is a stranger to me. Are you, lady? We do not know each other, and never met, I guess, in life. But... Ma'am? You saw me one time. Where abouts? In Vandalia, Illinois, you saw me. All right. But 'course that's-that's been about ten years ago, when I first got started. And you just among that big crowd there in that tent. Oh, my. That was quite a--quite a crowd, wasn't it?
Was you there the night that blind boy that had no eyes got healed? He come over and picked up my tie and said, "What color is that?" right along towards the last of the meeting. And it's been about ten years ago. There was a shoe cobbler there also, in Vandalia, I believe had blind eyes that got healed in the meeting.
One night the Lord broke through and just flooded the place, and they picked up cots and stretchers, and the papers packed it. It... Chicago paper called me Brother Henry Branham. I never will forget that, the "Tribune" here in Chicago. Had two or three pages of it in the meeting, been a long time since then. Lot of water's went down the river. But God still remains the same.
L-65 Now, this lady is... She doesn't know me. She said she seen me in a meeting one time, but ten years ago. Then if there's anything you're here for, I--I--I don't know it; you know that. I have no way of knowing that. Only God would have to reveal it. Is that right?
Well now, if Jesus talking to the woman at the well, stood and talked like we're talking now, and then finally found where her trouble was and told her... She believed that it was the Messiah. She believed. She said, "We Samaritans know that the Messiah will do this when He comes." But she couldn't understand Who He was, and He told her that He was the Messiah. That marvelous? How wonderful. Well, He's still Messiah tonight. [John 4:25]
L-66 Now, to the audience, Moses, when He went down and turned his hand to leprosy and healed it, and showed the people that God had sent him, that settled it with all Israel. They just went on, followed him. Is that right?
But if God tonight... If you desire to question the woman, okay. God tonight knows of this woman. I know nothing of her, never have seen her in my life to know of. 'Course, me standing up before the people she could see me, but I know her not. Here she is. She probably one of your friends here, and you know all about it. But now, if God can tell to me what the woman is here for or what her trouble is... It might be domestic trouble; it might be sickness; it might be for somebody else. I--I don't know. I can't tell you. But if He will reveal that, we'll have to know that it's some kind of a spiritual, unseen power doing it. Is that right?
Well--well now, the Bible said that when Jesus was here on earth, that's the very thing He did, and didn't do nothing till first the Father showed Him. Is that the Scripture? And He said, "These things that I do, shall you also. I'll be with you to the end of the world."
Now, if He can reproduce His life in our bodies tonight by cleansing us with His own Blood, which we're unworthy, but make us worthy through His Blood, then it ought to satisfy everyone that Jesus Christ is raised from the dead, and He's right here with you. Is that right? Now, may He grant it. He might not. I couldn't tell you. He may. But may He grant it. [Exodus 4:6], [John 5:19], [John 14:12], [Matthew 28:20]
L-67 Now I want to talk to you. Been preaching and waiting, of course I'm waiting on a changing, for the Holy Spirit, for the anointing of the Holy Spirit for the--for the healing service. But now just to speak with you for a moment... And I... If God reveals it now, you're going to accept it? Whatever it is, you're going to accept it?
Now, to the audience, I'm just looking at a young woman standing here, lot younger than I, and she's looking at me and--and looks to me like a Christian to look at her. And she... I don't--couldn't say only just to... I look at her and think she looks like a Christian. And... But God knows all things right.
But now, if God can, or will, don't say "He can," if He will reveal to me what's your trouble, then that settles the whole question. It's all over. That's right. Isn't that wonderful to know that the God of Elijah still lives? See? He does. That's right.
L-68 You are a Christian all right, because of that real welcoming begins to come since the Angel of the Lord, and you're conscious that something's going on now. Now, just as a Christian, a Christian sister and a Christian brother... Now, just since just a second ago, something taken place, wasn't it? You could feel something. If that's right, raise up your hand. That's right. See? 'Cause right between me and you now the anointing begins to start. There's a Light standing between me and you. Did you ever see the picture of It? You never seen It. I think they have it here. It's right between you and I now.
Your trouble is in your leg. That's true, isn't it? And it's in the bone, and it's a tumor, and it's malignant. You're in a serious condition and a black shadow hanging near you which is death. That's true. You are from Illinois, but not Vandalia. Place like a hill, Dower Hills, something like that, Illinois. That's right. Your name is Wahr. Lydia M. Wahr. Is that right? You believe me now to be His servant? Then come here.
Our heavenly Father, in the Bible when Thou was here on earth You walked among men and yielded Yourself to the Father of heaven, and He was in You and showed You things to do and to speak. And You said You didn't do nothing unless He showed You first. And then as the Father sent You, You said You'd send us, and go with us and be with us. And the things that You done would be continued, Your ministry, by Your Church until You come again. And we're looking for You to come the second time in glory. And tonight the very evidence, the initial evidence of the living God is here on the platform tonight among the people in Chicago. And the signs that He said would be done to the end of the world is now being done. And this devil that's been on our sister to take her life, may he be cursed in Christ's Name, and come from the woman, and may she live. Amen.
God bless you, lady. Now, go happy and rejoicing. Amen. [John 5:19], [Matthew 28:20]
L-69 Do you now believe? Now, look, I been preaching for about two hours. All right, that one vision, and look at the beads of sweat. See? It just weakens you. Something goes from you. The thing left the lady. See? The woman touched His garment and said, "Something went from me." Not from...
All right, bring the man. Now, please be reverent if you will. Remember, evil spirits come out of one and go into others. How many know that to be true? So be reverent. [Mark 5:27, 30]
L-70 Sir, God must help you, 'cause you--you're aware it's cancer and your condition in the bowels there. And when you set down you have to use a cushion to set on. But only God can help you. Do you believe if I ask Him that He will help you and all this host of people here tonight, Christian believer? You believe it. Will you praise Him and give Him all the glory? You love Him with all your heart and will serve Him, will you do it? You will. May the Lord grant your blessing.
Heavenly Father, as looking into the face of this man, knowing that he sets tonight like the lepers who set at the gate of Samaria, when the Syrians had it besieged. They was lepers, they said, "Why do we set here till we die? If we set here, we'll surely die. If we go in the city, there's nothing can be done for us." And they took a chance by going to the host of the enemy. And You rewarded their faith and saved their lives.
God, this man, the doctor can do no more, and there's nothing left for him to do but to come to You. And You're not a enemy; You're a loving Father Who's expecting him tonight, to come. And now, he's come, and I lay hands upon him as Your servant, and ask that in Jesus Christ's Name that You'll heal the man and let him live. And maybe in the return to Chicago sometime he will come and give praise and glory to You for his healing. Amen.
God bless you, brother. Now, go, don't doubt nothing. Just go on like that you--that nothing ever happened to you.
Now, just be reverent, just reverent as you can be. And have faith in God. Only the Lord Jesus can make the sick well. "I'm the Lord Who heals all of thy diseases." Is that true? The Bible says that it is the truth. And we know if the Bible says so, it is true. [II Kings 7:3], [Psalms 103:3], [Mark 11:22]
L-71 Now, here's a lady setting, standing here, rather, before me, a stranger to me. It... That is true, isn't it, lady? I don't know you. But Jesus does know you. Now, if I had some way of helping you, and I wouldn't do it, wouldn't I be a terrible man? Well, at--at the--at the judgment bar what would God say to me? If He say, "I--I told you to go help that woman, and you didn't do it." I'd have to answer for it. But I... I--I have no way of helping you, only that something might raise your faith in God. Is that right? And your healing has already been completed when Jesus died for you. You just got to have faith to receive it. Isn't that right?
Now, if God will reveal to me what you're here for, will you accept it and believe it? You will. Will the audience will do the same? All right, sister, just look this way just a moment. I just want to talk to you.
The first thing I see blood dripping before me. It's got sugar in it, which is diabetes. You got sugar diabetes. That's right. Insulin's a wonderful thing, but the Blood of Jesus is better. Isn't that right?
Say, I see you're upset about something too, something in your heart that you're praying about. It's your husband. And say, he's a patient in a hospital (That's right.), state hospital. And you're wanting... You're praying about... It's his soul. That's right. It's his soul that you don't believe is saved, and you want prayer for him. I'm not reading your mind, but that's true, isn't it? Now, there's not a shadow of doubt in your mind now, is there?
O heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus the Son of God, I pray that You'll grant this and give her her deliverance and her husband, in Christ's Name. Amen.
Looking down at the hospital at the chart, Mrs. Hill you can go ahead then. Amen. That strengthened you, didn't it? I seen the chart with the name; that's the reason I said that. You see?
L-72 All right, would you come? Have faith in God. Don't doubt, but believe. You believe the Lord Jesus lives and reigns? You believe that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever?
Are you a minister's wife? It's not on your ticket. But I thought I seen some platform and someone preaching or something. It was your husband, 'cause I don't think you as the lady you are, would let a--someone else put their arm around you as he did (That's right.), 'cause you're a real lady. I admire you. You believe the Lord Jesus can heal you, can make you well?
You got someone else you want prayed for too, haven't you? Child, it's got sinus trouble, hasn't it, hay fever like? That's true, a little girl, I'd say about ten or twelve years old. That is right, isn't it? It's your daughter. You're not from Illinois; you're from a--a--a state that's kinda plain, long plains, from a place called Parker, Kansas, is where you come from. That's right. Do you believe me as His prophet? And you put the handkerchief that you wiped the tears from your eyes on your child, everything will be all right. Come here.
Heavenly Father, I bless this woman in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you heal her and make her well, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
Now, Mrs. Mauk, you go home to Kansas and be well. [Mark 11:22], [Hebrews 13:8], [Acts 19:12]
L-73 Oh, Jesus Christ is raised from the dead. He's real and He's wonderful. How do you do, sister? I want to ask you something. You were setting right down here just a few moments ago. That's right. You were looking up here at me, and all of a sudden while I was speaking, just seemed you was just all thrilled about something all at once, wasn't it? I could tell you; it was the vision over you then.
That little cyst won't hurt you; you know that, don't you? You know that won't hurt you. And your worries that you got on your heart, it won't hurt you; but you must remember that God heals. Do you believe your dad would be all right? You do. God can heal that cancer if you believe it, if you'll believe it. Do you believe it? Say, your mother's had some trouble too. She had a stroke recently. Isn't that right? Now, do you believe that you're standing in His Presence? Do you accept everything that Jesus died for would be yours tonight? Would you come here?
Heavenly Father, I bless this dear woman as she stands here in need, and I pray that, in Christ's Name, that You'll heal her and heal the loved ones that she asks for, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, you take those and lay them on both. Amen. God bless you.
Let's say, "Praise the Lord." [Congregation says, "Praise the Lord."--Ed.]
L-74 Oh, stomach trouble's awful bad, and causes you, you know... But God's a Healer of it. Do you believe that? You want to go eat? Would you think that God would make you well? You do? All right, just keep going on by praising God, and going, doing the will of the Lord. Amen.
Back trouble too, sister, but God can make that well, don't you believe that? Sure. Just keep going by then; I believe He's done it. Amen.
Now, I want to ask you something, when I said stomach trouble to that lady, a real funny feeling swept over you. Now, you go eat too; that ulcer left you. Amen.
L-75 Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ; all praise, all powers in heavens and earth is given to His hand. What do you think about it in the audience? God is real, isn't He? Don't you believe that He can heal? Don't you believe He can make well? He can do anything that He so desires to do. Don't you believe that? Amen. Oh, I just love Him. There's something in my heart just bubbling over. How I love the Lord Jesus.
I want to ask you, if you'll believe with all your heart right now, and you'll see the glory of God. How many out there now that raised your hand awhile ago, without your cards, I want you to go to praying. I want you to pray that God will just--just send down the Holy Ghost and...
L-76 What if I didn't say nothing to you, and just prayed for you, and told you you was going to get well, would you believe it? Then just go right ahead; the Lord bless you.
What about that throat? You believe that God will heal it? You want to sing for the glory of God. You used to be a singer, didn't you? And you want to sing for the glory of God. All right, you're going to. All right. Just have faith in God.
That young man setting next to you there, he just thrilled all over when I said that. He's got something wrong with his face. That's right, isn't it, young fellow? And you believe that Jesus Christ make you well? And that--that gland trouble too, God can make that well. You believe it? The reason I said that, is so you'd understand it's something else (You see?) that...?... Amen. All right. You believe that God will do it? Amen.
L-77 What do you think about it? You nodded your head, the colored lady setting there, setting there in the front row looking at me. Looked up this way and nodded, "That's right," she said. Uh-huh. Got something wrong with your head, haven't you? That's right. You believe me to be God's prophet, His se--His servant, I mean to say? That stumbles people when you say prophet. See? You believe it? There's something else that I can't see just exactly. There's something going on, but I can't tell just what it is. I see two people. It's someone else. It's another lady. Yes, you're praying for another lady. It's your friend; she has a cancer, doesn't she? That's right. Amen. Hallelujah. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. He's from everlasting to everlasting. He is God.
L-78 Little lady setting in front of that man that's praying so hard there, kinda heavy set, that's got swollen glands, setting right back there. Yes, ma'am. You're praying awful hard to be healed, aren't you? I want the man right behind you to lay his hand over on you if he will. Will you do that for me, brother? All right.
Heavenly Father, bless that woman. She's trying to break through. And seeing that mist of that Light hanging over her, I pray that You'll grant her healing through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. You was healed while you was standing here, honey, so just move on, give God praise and glory. Amen.
Let's say "Thank the Lord." [Congregation says, "Thank the Lord."--Ed.] Oh, He's wonderful.
L-79 What do you think, lady, setting right back there? You got stomach trouble, haven't you? Got a little girl's got stomach trouble too. Oh, that surprised you, didn't it? But you got healed then. Amen. You're a nervous sort of a family. That's a peptic condition of the stomach that causes that. The little girl inherited it from you from your nervousness. That's right. Food sours and belches and so forth. That is right. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD...?...
There sets a lady next to you; she has dizzy spells kinda. And she... Isn't that right, lady? Raise up your hand. That's right. You want to be healed? Well, the lady was setting there that just was healed of stomach trouble, lay your hand over on her, sister.
Father, in Christ's Name I pray that You'd confirm this, and I by Jesus Christ's Name through the power of the risen Christ I cast away them spirits from them people in Jesus Name. Amen.
L-80 He's wonderful. Do you need more evidence that He arisen from the dead? Do you believe He's here right now? What more would you want? To disbelieve would be sin. What is sin? Unbelief. Is that right? I want to do something right now while I got strength left to do it. I'm going to trust this to you. I'm going to trust that you'll confess every sin that you know of, right now. Confess it to God, that it's wrong. And I'm going to try with all my heart, with all my strength, with all that is within me...
L-81 If I found favor with You, God, please hear my prayer tonight, I pray sincerely. These people, Lord, I truly believe are sincere in their heart. They've been tossed about from pillar to post and taught this, that, and all kinds of churches and creeds, till, Father, I feel sorry for them, and they're trying to be well. I pray Thee, Lord Jesus, hear tonight, will You please, and answer prayer.
And, Father, I pray that You'll let the Spirit of God go forth now and do the exceeding abundantly. Hear from heaven, God; the people's hearts has been pulled through everything. What makes it so gross and dark is that they can't just realize and raise up at this time, and know that You're--You're here in the room. Not I Lord, You are here; it's You that's doing this. And I pray that You'll give blessing to each one, in Christ's Name.
L-82 Now, put your hands over on each other. Every person that's sick, raise your hand. Now ev... Someone lay your hand on somebody that's sick. And you come here to me, sir. Now, put your hands over on someone.
Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
How fathomless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure,
The saints and angels song.

My beloved friends, while you're in prayer, while your heads are bowed, while you're praying one for the other, have I found grace in your sight enough that you could believe me to be the servant of the Lord? Has the Lord confirmed His Word back that I am with you one hundred percent to help you in the Kingdom of God? Has God revealed that after all these seven or eight years that I've went back and forth through Chicago? If that be so, then hear me as God's servant. The Bible said, "Lay hands on each other, that they shall lay their hands on one another, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick." [Mark 16:18], [James 5:15]
L-83 I believe in you. I believe you to be sincere, and God's children. And I believe with all my heart that God has called me to this work. And I believe if I'll ask with all sincerity, and you'll believe with all sincerity in this one great union of prayer, as our hands and hearts are joined together in the fellowship of the resurrected Christ, Who's here at the--in the building right now... Without any--any doubt at all, infallible signs showing that He's here... Can you realize how...?... our hearts are to set in a meeting like this and hold our peace? Can you imagine how far away we have drifted, and how little we have called the things of God, to set in a meeting like this and see these things go on, and say nothing about it, and just set there like we were--just has growed there. Do you realize how far away from God we are by these things?
Now, let us open our hearts right now. Let's come open with our heart, from place to place, and say, "Lord Jesus, beyond one shadow of doubt, I'm accepting You right now."
L-84 Now, Satan, I rebuke you, and in the Name of Jesus Christ come out of the people. You are just an old doubter, and you're causing the people to doubt, but you've lost your hold. And the Holy Ghost is present right now to heal the sick; the power of God is here. And, Satan, we cast you away from this people. In Jesus Christ's Name come out from the people.
Now, stand and give Him praise everybody, as I turn the service to Brother...

56-1006 - Lane Tech High School, Chicago, IL (Paragraphs: 63 - 81)
L-64 Manifestation and everything that He ever was, He is tonight. Don't you believe that? Now, if He will return to this audience... Now, I want you to know this little gift that God has given me, and I appreciate, for I--I'm not a preacher, I am His servant. See? And now, I don't operate that; you do that yourself. Your faith does that. I have nothing to do with it. It's just me yielding to the Holy Spirit.
Now, look, there was a woman had a blood issue one time. How many believes that God was in Christ? Sure. All right. A woman with a blood issue walked over, and touched His garment, and went back, and hid herself, and even denied that she touched Him. And Jesus said, "Somebody touched Me."
Peter said, "Everybody's touched You. Why do You say that?"
He said, "But I got weak." Virtue went from Him. And He looked around; all denied. And that strength where it was going, went right to the little woman and told her. Is that right?
Now, what was it? Jesus didn't know. He was a Man in human flesh. He was a Man. But the woman touched God through Christ. See what I mean? Now, you touch Him the same way. [Mark 5:25-25, 30-31]
L-65 Now, Jesus' corporal body is setting at the right hand of God in the majesty in high as a sin offering. And then His Spirit that was in that body has come back into predestined, foreordained offices in the church, that you touch God the same way through these bodies, that's not in their own self not worthy, sure not. But they don't stand in their own righteousness; they stand in the robe of the Lord Jesus, in His righteousness, to declare His works. See what I mean? All right. Now, have faith.
Now, you're the one who does it. Jesus did just as the Father showed Him. Now, if God will do that, and return on this night before I turn the services to our dear beloved brother evangelists that's going to continue the meeting, how many of you say, "Solemnly with all my heart, I'll believe it. If He will do it again tonight, I will believe it with all my heart and accept it." Let's see your hands, everywhere now, before God. God bless you. All right. [Hebrews 11:6], [Proverbs 14:12]
L-66 Now, Brother Wood, is... All right. Yes. 'Fore I forget it I'll ask prayer for these handkerchiefs.
Heavenly Father, You know the people that sent these handkerchiefs, and I pray as I ask Your blessings. I realize, Lord, it's not much, but will You receive Your poor unworthy servant's prayer, and will heal everyone that these handkerchiefs represent. May when it goes to those little sick children and dad and mother and son and daughter, I pray, Father, that You'll heal every one of them, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. [Acts 19:12]
L-67 Now, are you all going to stay with me and pray? Now, look, this is hard, friends. I--I suppose all of you in here are Christians; I hope you are. See? If you're not, you should be. But, now God comes in His Word, vindicates His Word. Now, I want you to be real reverent, just like you had plenty of time. And you don't want to get excited. And you upset, then you upset someone else, and you're all a part of God. See? It's the body a moving. If this hand's a hurting and a cramping, how can this hand work right. See? It's all got to be in unity and quietness like there was at Pentecost, all expecting something to happen.
L-68 Now, it happens to be tonight, that this is a very outstanding time again of two people meeting as they did in the Bible time. I believe as I said the other night, the reason Micaiah had the truth, he about--against four hundred prophets because he had the Bible, the Word of God. He stayed with the Bible. And everything must be right with the Bible. If it isn't, I--I don't say God couldn't do what...?... but I believe just what He says and that's enough for me. See?
L-69 Now, here's a woman, a--a colored lady, me a white man. And here she comes walking up here tonight. I never seen this woman in my life. I suppose we're strangers to one another, are we, lady? You--you know me? This woman says that four years ago she come to the Philadelphian Church, and was just a little bitty thing like that, eat up with cancer, and I prayed for her, and look at her now. Isn't that a wonderful testimony? God bless her.
But now, how probably in four years I probably prayed for many, many hundreds of thousands of people since then. And you just coming on the platform, and especially if the anointing will come tonight, and will strike me... Tomorrow you know the only way I will know what I said to you? When them recorders right there, see them going, see here? When them recorders they play it back to me, and I see what I said. See? But to know you, or know what you're here for, I know not, do I? Don't know it, no, don't know a thing about it.
L-70 And then there's a--a colored woman and a white man. One time that happened at the--as Jesus was going down to Jericho. And He had need to go by Samaria. Now, I wonder why? I believe the Father sent Him up there, don't you? 'Cause His... The footsteps of a righteous man is ordained of God, and ordered of God.
Now, Jesus goes up there, so He sends all His disciples away. And a Samaritan woman... And there was a great segregation in them days just like there is today between the different races. But Jesus told her right quick there's no difference; we're all one. The country you was raised in, where your native home come from, down in the south, in Africa, it's got hot down there and turns the skin dark. And I come from up in the Anglo-Saxon country where it's cold and we were bleached out, and... But we're all... We can give one another a blood transfusion. We're the same. God made of all nations, one blood. That's right. [John 4:4], [Psalms 37:23]
L-71 And it just happens to be that tonight the same picture reverses and comes again, isn't that right? Here's a wo... And so Jesus said to that woman when she come out... She was a woman of ill fame; we're to believe. And Jesus said to her, not knowing her, never seen her in His life. He said, "Bring Me a drink."
"Why," she said, "it's not customary for Jews to ask Samaritans such. We don't have any dealings." See the racial, segregation?
And Jesus said, "But if you know Who you were talking to, you'd ask Me for a drink. And I'd bring you water, give you water you don't come here to drink."
The conversation went on for a while. Did you ever stop to think what Jesus was carrying that conversation for? Did the audience ever think of that? Minister, did you ever think why He talked to her? Now, here's my own belief. I think He was contacting her spirit. See? 'Cause I know it works the same way here. See? Contacting her spirit...
And as soon as He got her contact, He found where her trouble was, and He told her what her trouble was (Is that right?), what her trouble was. And He said, "Go, get your husband."
She said, "I don't have any."
He said, "That's right. You've got five, and the one you have now is not your husband."
And what did she say? She said, "Sir, I perceive that You are (a what?) prophet." She said, "Now, we know (we Samaritans), we know that when the Messiah cometh, He will do these things. He will tell us these things. But Who are You?"
He said, "I'm He that speaks to you." And she dropped her water pot and run into the city. [John 4:7-10, 16-19, 25-26]
L-72 That was the sign of the Messiah. Is that right? Anybody that ever read the 4th chapter of Saint John, is that right? Whoever read the 1st chapter of Saint John when the Jew come to Jesus and He said a... "Behold, an Israelite in whom there's no guile."
He said, "Rabbi, when did You know me?"
Said, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree, I saw you."
He said, "Thou art the Son of God. You're the King of Israel." Is that right?
If that was the Messiahic sign to the Jew, Messiahic sign to the Gentile, or to the Samaritan, what would it be to the Gentile? Now, God in these last days has taken the Gentiles for His Name. A Samaritan was half Jew and Gentile. All right. But now, what is it to us? It'll be the same sign, if the Messiah is the same. Do you believe He is? Does the Bible say He is? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. The things that I do... A little while and the world (that's this starchy), they won't see Me no more. They wouldn't listen, they wouldn't set long enough to listen. They won't see me no more, yet you shall see me--me, for I, personal pronoun, will be with you, in you, to the end of the world." Now He's got to manifest Hisself to you, as He did to them people in them days, or He isn't the same Jesus. Is that right? Now, He doesn't heal, healing has already been appropriated at Calvary. It's to bring the faith of the person up to that place. Is that right? Healing and Salvation was purchased right there. Only thing we can do is point the people there. God set gifts in the church outside of His Word to point people there. The--the Word declares it. Now sister, in speaking to you, now if the Lord Jesus, after speaking with you, will let me know, or tell to me or use my lips to tell you what you're here for or something in that manner that you know I know nothing about, you know it'd have to come from some spiritual resource. Is that right? Do the audience believe that? Well then, you being a Gospel minister, and you've knowed of me four years anyhow, and I, as far as I know I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart. Do you believe that would be the Lord Jesus working through His unworthy servant speaking to you trying to get you for what? You may have finance trouble, you may domestic trouble. I don't know what you're here for, but He does. Now, place yourself in my place. Does any of you want, that's sceptic, you want to come up and take my place? Come on. Tell us, if you're a sceptic and don't believe it's the power of God. Come up and try it. You're welcome. I asked that in India once. I asked that in Africa once. But certainly, I know nothing of the woman. But He does. But if He will reveal Himself here on the platform before this people, then it's a vindication that He's raised from the dead and He is the same. Now, I am hesitating, certainly. I am waiting for Him, I am waiting for the vision. I can know the woman not, and I can't say a thing, if He doesn't speak to me, I--I can't say nothing. But if He once starts the anointing, then it's all right. Because I been preaching and kindly trying to heal myself now and talk to you, but, praise the Lord, He's here. [John 1:47-49], [Hebrews 13:8], [John 14:19], [Matthew 28:20]
L-73 If the audience can still hear my voice, the lady seems to move away from me. And she's got a trouble in her side. And that's in her left side. And she... Also I see her like a--a smothering or something, it's and... When she lays down especially. It's in her heart trouble causing her to have a heart condition. That's the truth.
I keep seeing somebody else come to you, going away in a vision. It's another person that you're want prayer for. You're wanting to ask me for prayer for a person. It's someone's got something wrong with their feet. It's got a foot trouble, sores on their feet. That's exactly right. That's true. Do you believe Jesus is here? Do you believe Jesus is here? Come here, my sister.
Heavenly Father, Your blessed Being here so close, and we mortals are privileged at seeing Your Spirit with infallible proofs here, moving among your people. I pray Thee, heavenly Father, to be merciful, and Thou Who healed this woman once eaten up with cancer, how minor these things are. Then, heavenly Father, the Word has said, "These signs shall follow them that believe: If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." And this I do in Jesus Name. Amen.
May the Lord bless you, my dear sister, and grant to you the blessings of God.
Now, out in the audience, I want you to believe. You without prayer cards now, you that doesn't have prayer cards, start believing, praying that God will visit you. Just have faith now. Believe with all your heart. [Mark 16:17-18]
L-74 Now, I suppose, lady, that we're strangers to each other. All right. Now, here the scene changes. This is a white woman. Now, here we stand for our first time in life. But Jesus Christ, God's Son, knows both of us.
Are you really believing? Just have faith now. Something went on in the audience; I didn't get it just right. Now, if you'll just keep praying, keep believing. Surely God is here to make well those who desire to be well.
Now, the lady which stands by me, I just... You don't have to look at me or nothing, but I just--just speak to you. Being a stranger to you, of course only God knows you; I don't. But if God will speak here and let me know about you or what you're here for, will you believe with all your heart, and will accept Christ as your Provider for whatever you have need of? All right, may He grant it to you.
You are bothered with a growth. And the growth is in your breast. And it's in your left breast. That's right. I... You are a minister's wife too. You're not from this country; you're from another state, the state of Missouri. I believe the little city's called Sullivan, or something like that. Uh-huh. You're praying for someone else too. The person has a tumor, that you're praying for. Your name is something like Garner, or something like that, isn't that right? Now, you believe the Lord Jesus? That's right. Now, He knew who Peter was; that's how I know who you are. Now, do you accept Him as for everything you come for? Would you come close just now, that I might ask His blessing?
Now, heavenly Father, the little woman practically beside herself at this time, because this great projecting of the Holy Spirit moving over on her, and she realizes that--that man cannot do these things, that that comes from God alone. I lay my hand upon the woman, not remembering at this time what the vision showed, but whatever her desire is, Father, I pray that You grant it to her, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
God bless you, sister.
L-75 All right, would you bring your next patient, brother? "If thou canst believe," said our Lord Jesus, "all things are possible." You believe that?
How do you do, sir? There's a line coming from this woman, from that woman to this man, spirit. I wish I could explain it; I can't. It's not to be explained. That lady has a kinda of a heart trouble, smothering. Yes, that's right. This man does too. Uh-huh. That devil's trying to get by with that (You see?), but he can't do it. You have a rupture too, don't you, sir? Uh-huh. Say, you're a preacher, Pentecostal preacher. You want me to tell you what church you belong to? Assemblies of God. Go, believing, my brother. It left both of you. And may... So may the Lord bless you.
Have faith in God. Don't doubt. "If thou canst believe..." [Mark 9:23], [Mark 11:22]
L-76 Little lady, setting right down the line from where the lady that was healed just now, you're in prayer down there for your grandson. I see him standing before you. He's suffering with a asthmatic condition, kind of a coughing in his throat. And he has a hay fever too, that bothers him. That's true. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Take that handkerchief that you raised to God and put on the child. Have faith; don't doubt. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible." [Acts 19:12], [Mark 9:23]
L-77 How do you do, sir? I have never seen you in my life, sir. I'm a total stranger to you. You're aware that something you're walking into is not your brother, aren't you? You know that you're walking into His Presence, and not a man. A man's presence wouldn't make you feel that way. But it's Him.
Now, God is a Healer. You were given a prayer card, come up here, see those people didn't come up here; they had no prayer card. Only thing you have to have is faith. Now, if God will let me know what you're here for, will you accept it? If I could help you and wouldn't do it, I'd be a brute. But I--I am your brother. I'm your Christian brother, a servant of the Lord Jesus. By a Divine gift I might be able to help you to have faith to accept the Lord Jesus, as to give you what you want. If He will let me know what you want, then you will accept what you ask--would've ask me for?
The first thing, you're going to ask me to pray for you for a nervous condition. You're very nervous. That is right. But you have a great burden. That's right. You believe she'd get well? You believe that God would restore her again, put her back in her right mind and make her well? You brought her home, didn't you, from an institution, your daughter. And she's just like a maniac; you can't do nothing with her. You have to take her back. That's the condition she's in at this hour. But will you believe, my brother? If you'll believe you can--if--if you'll believe with all your heart, you can go find the child as you believe. Will you do it?
Heavenly Father, I pray that Your blessings will be upon this request. Grant it, Lord God. I ask this blessing solemnly, Lord, for Your glory and in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I ask this. Grant it, Lord. O God, grant it for Your glory. Amen.
God bless you, sir. May you find it even as you have believed.
L-78 You put your hand up way over there, lady, way down in here on the end of the row; you got arthritis. You got a little tie on. Yes. I see you trying to move from your bed stiff of a morning. God seen you too, put up your hand. Can you believe? May the Lord God bless you, sister.
I see the vision move over to the next lady; she's praying too. That rectal trouble would leave you, lady, if you believe the Lord Jesus. Would you?
The lady setting next to you has feet trouble. That's right, lady. Would you believe the Lord Jesus too? All right. Put your hand on the next lady with heart trouble, the elderly lady with the little round hat on. And you believe for her, and then you can all be healed. Do you believe? Let us have a prayer for you.
Our heavenly Father, we pray that in Christ's Name that You will heal and make well. Grant it, eternal and blessed God, for Your glory. And grant these blessings upon the entire audience. I pray that You'll grant this, Father. And may Your eternal blessings rest. In Jesus Christ's Name I pray. Amen.
What if I just told you, sister, that God granted your request while you were setting there? Would you take my word for it? Go right off the platform, believing. God bless you.
L-79 Oh, isn't He wonderful? God is wonderful. He can heal to the uttermost, isn't that right? Make well, heal... Diabetes, anything doesn't make any difference to Him, does it? He can make it. And when the doctor operates and makes a place and it won't heal up, like your feet has been all this time, He can make it well. Do you believe it, sister? Then go and receive your healing in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Have faith in God.
Do you believe? All you audience are believing the Lord Jesus? How many out there is ready to believe at this time? He's lovely, sweet, kind. Just have faith.
L-80 What about you wheelchairs over there? What do you think about it? Do you believe it? Look this a way and believe. Anywhere in the building, up in the audience, anywhere, look, live, believe. Let's look to the wheelchairs for a minute.
I couldn't heal you. You couldn't hide yourself though. His Spirit is here.
I see a lady that's got a black shadow hanging over her, gray headed lady setting in a wheelchair. She has cancer, very bad. That's in the lungs too. She's in a terrible condition. And, lady, but greater than that I see another black channel following you. You need Jesus as your Saviour. You've never been converted, and you need Christ as your Saviour. Will you now accept Him as your Saviour? Will you do it? Then I'd get up out of that wheelchair, and take it, and push it out the door, and go home and be made well, if thou canst...?... Thy sins be forgiven thee. Go in the Name of the Lord.
While you're on your feet, will you believe the Lord Jesus? Raise up your hands to Him just now. I challenge your faith.
L-81 O Lord, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, and Giver of every gift, I come to Thee, Lord. O God, how can people stoop in unbelief. Just at this time send Your Holy Spirit...?... back to this audience the baptism of the Holy Ghost and may He lighten up this building. May He now condemn and drive away every spirit of doubt, all the darkness. And may Satan turn them loose.
Lord, I know You're here, and the only thing that's keeping this from being the greatest night they ever seen is that little unbelief hanging over them. I challenge that unbelief. I challenge it by the Word of God. I challenge it by the Holy Ghost. I challenge it in Jesus' Name. Come out of this building; leave this people; in Jesus Christ's Name come out of them. And may everyone be perfectly healed and well, rising from their cots, chairs, and walking in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and for His glory.

56-1206 - Maranatha Temple, Brooklyn, NY (Paragraphs: 92 - 118)
L-93 Now what did she say? Now, listen real close now. What did she say, you newcomers? She said, "I perceive that You are a prophet." Now, she said, "We know when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things, but Who are You?"
He said, "I'm He." If that was the sign of the Messiah then, it's the sign of the Messiah today, if He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is that right?
Now, here's exactly the same scene exactly. Now, here's the woman standing here. I--God sent me up to New York. I don't know. He just sent me up here. Here's a woman comes up on the platform. I never seen her, know nothing about her. She's setting--she's standing here. [John 4:10-26]
L-94 Now, the Messiah can, through a Divine gift, come down and reveal to this woman what she's standing here for, what her trouble is, the same He did to that woman. If He would do it, would it still be the sign of the Messiah to you all? Would you believe it? You that's never seen it, would you believe it? Raise your hands and say, "I believe it." Amen.
Now, the lady be the judge. Now, if He knows you, sister, and you know I don't know you, do I? No, I'm a stranger. And if He can reveal to you your--your trouble or what you're here for. I don't know. You know that. But if He can reveal through me, to me what you're here for, would you believe that you would get what you ask for? You would believe it? Well, may the Lord grant it. I want everyone quiet now. Be real quiet and be real reverent.
L-95 Now, just merely... The lady is conscious that something's going on. And if anybody... Brother, have you ever showed the picture of that Angel of the Lord yet here? They've seen it. Okay. Now, that's just what's right around close to her now. See? That Light, It moves in; the lady comes in, if they can still hear me. The lady is going from me.
And I see her. She's suffering with a tremendous nervous condition, real, real nervous. And then, she's got something on her hands, not visible, but it's a breaking out, a rashing like, that bothers her that's cause this nerve condition. That's true. Is that right, lady? If that's right, raise up your hand, if that's right. All right, all right.
L-96 Now, do you believe? Now watch, if--if I would talk to her more, more would be said. But it just breaks me into perspiration. It's so weakening. It's a vision. Now, right now the only way that'd I know what was wrong with her is run that tape back and find it (See?), of what He said to her. But there was something.
Now, just to talk with the woman, so that you might know that there's something different. Just to talk to her, maybe He would show something else. It's just catching her spirit, yielding myself to the Holy Spirit, and Him standing between us, and just yielding. And He takes me and just begins to use my voice talking.
L-97 He said He'd set in the church apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. So we can't save one and not the other one. And I'm not much of a preacher, but I was called. This I was born to do. In all my life, it's come. Never one time has it failed, and never will because it's of God.
Now, the lady it seems like if He would speak with her again, by His grace she moves from me. And I see her again. She's walking the floor, real nervously like. And she's looking on her hands. There's something on her hand which is a breaking out and a rashing. And then she had something like a--a trouble in her head. It hurts like a--it's a sinus trouble she has in her head. And then again, she has a--she has a--a stomach trouble, which is a tumor in her stomach. And that was caused by a fall...?... here...
Now, do you believe me to be His servant, madam...?... now. Now, that's Him, the One that was at the well. Now, could I heal the woman? Certainly not. I could pray for her. I can pray, but I can't heal her. Now, let us pray for her.
Heavenly Father, whatever this woman is in need of, if Satan has bound her, we through the Name of Jesus Christ take the initiative. And ask for Him to leave this woman and be cast out in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Now, go rejoicing and being happy, lady. All right, lady. [I Corinthians 12:28]
L-98 Now, that ought to settle it. That ought to settle it that you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. If the Bible said, "If thou canst..." You say, "Oh, she's emotionally." Probably if you was healed of the same thing, you'd be a little emotional too. If you was--if you was only standing with a open heart, watch the expression on their face when--on their face when they believe. They can't stand in that Presence without knowing it. See? It's not me, it's Him.
Now--now as she's giving thanks to God, now I challenge every person in here in the Name of Jesus Christ to look this way, and believe with all your heart, and see if God don't call you to Him. See? I mean, how many hasn't got a prayer card and wants to be healed? Let's see your hands. Without prayer cards, raise up your hand, everywhere? See, there you are. Why, it's just everywhere. [Mark 9:23]
L-99 Now, you look this way, you without prayer cards, that's not going to be in the line. You just believe; have faith. Now, the little lady standing here is a stranger to me. I never seen her in my life, as far as I know. Are we strangers to each other? We are. Now, if there's something wrong with you, I don't know it. But God does know it. He knows--He knowed you before the foundation of the world. He knows everything that you've had in your life. He knows what you're here for.
If He'd just tell me what you--what you're desiring of Him, would you accept it and believe it? Now... If something that you... It may be finances; it may be domestic; it may--I don't--may be sickness. I--I don't know. He does. Now, the miracle is, now if I'd say, "Here's a man twisted up in a wheelchair." You'd look and say, "Oh, yeah, sure. I see that." But here looks like a healthy woman. What's she here for?
L-100 Maybe she's a deceiver. If it is, watch what happens to her. See? See, if it would be. See? Watch what happens. How many ever seen it happen when a deceiver come to the platform? Yes, sir. One come to the platform, tried to bewitch me one night. The guy went around army camps throwing spells on people make them bark like a dog and things like that. Then the Holy Spirit turned around, said, "You child of the devil." And he was paralyzed right there, and that's been three years, four years ago, and he's still paralyzed today. See? Yes, sir.
Don't you try... It's not playing church. You're in the Presence of the Holy Ghost. See? It's not man, it's Him. We may be uneducated and a simple people, but that's what God has called us to the ministry to do this. And this is His work.
L-101 Now, the little lady, I--I wished I could help you some way, sister. If I could and wouldn't do it, I'd be a brute, you know that. But I--I want to help you. I--I want to see the Lord do something good for you.
Now, if I--if I could just yield myself to the Holy Spirit. I say, "Now, you are a Christian though," 'cause the--your spirit is coming to me. See? Now, now that I--I have your spirit under my control (See?), you couldn't hide your life if you had to now (See?), 'cause it's before God.
L-102 And I see that you are--you're real nervous, too. And you got--you--your trouble is--you got trouble with your head. It's in your neck and in your shoulders and back. It was caused from a fall you had and done that. That's right, isn't it? Now, do you believe with all your heart? You believe that you're healed now and going to be well? Come forward.
Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, bless this woman who I bless in Thy Name, and ask for her healing through Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Now, God bless you. Go, and may the Lord Jesus bless you and give you the best of His Kingdom. Now, be real reverent. Don't... Just--just be real reverent. Believe with all your heart.
L-103 Jesus said, "I can, if ye believe." But first you got to believe. Just a moment. If our colored brother there, would just step back to one side. There's a vision moving right in there, right down there. It's a lady praying. And I see it. Why, yes. Nervousness and a female trouble... You believe that Jesus Christ make you well? Right across, now, lay your hand over on the--on the lady next to you there. Right there, right here. No, the lady next to you. That's it. See? No, the lady with the red hat on, lay the hand on the lady right there. See? All right.
Now, our heavenly Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, we ask for this deliverance. I pray that Almighty God will bring it to pass just now, through the glory of God in Jesus' Name. Amen.
L-104 I couldn't see but one woman, but this woman looked young, and the other one looked old, and I couldn't make out where it was at. And it was up over the man. I could see the vision. It was a little lady setting on the end. All right. You can get to your--your place now. God bless you, lady. Your simple little faith touched His garment. Wasn't you setting there praying for that end? You was setting there praying for that, wasn't you? If that's right, raise--stand up to your feet if you was praying for that, so the people will know that that. See?
How would I know what she was praying about? That--that praying for me to call you. That's the reason He did it. Amen. Now, you're healed and can go home and be well. Amen. God bless you. What did it? The woman touched His garment. She didn't touch me. She touched Him. He just used my voice to speak back. We are the branches. He's the Vine. It was His; went through, He just used my voice as He uses our eyes and our hands and so forth.
L-105 Now, the lady here is a stranger to me. I don't know her, never seen her in my life. We're perfectly strangers. Are we? That's right. Now, I'm glad that the colored sister is standing here, 'cause there's many colored people here tonight. And you can see that God is no respect of persons, nationality. He made us all. Our colors and things has nothing to do with it.
He told the woman at the well... Here's a perfect picture of the woman at the well again--again. Here's a white man and a colored woman. See, just exactly: a Jew and a Samaritan. And today in the south, they have a segregation, like that they have--they had then. They had a segregation then, the Jews and Samaritans. But Jesus let her know that God didn't care about their segregations. God, when they talked, all men must worship Him in Spirit and truth.
L-106 All right. Us being total strangers, knowing not each other, God knowing us both. If He will reveal to me what you're standing there for, will you believe it? Will the rest of you colored people believe it out there with all your heart, if God will do this to your colored sister? All right. May the Lord bless you. Again a contrast, two nationalities of people, see what I mean, and the same Lord Jesus Who loves us both...
Your trouble is in your side. It's--it's not big. It's a growth, a little fatty tumor in your right side at the waistline. That's right. The minute you put your hand on it, before I spoke about it, may the Lord grant something else so that the audience and the colored people will see that it's of the Lord Jesus. Do you believe with all your heart?
You're not from right around here. You're from a place called, Jamaica, New York. And here, your name is Esther and--and Lewis. Is that's right--that right? You believe me to... You say He knowed Peter and them. You believe He's the same Christ? All right, go on your road, sister, and the Lord Jesus make you well in Jesus' Name.
L-107 You believe with all your heart? You can have what you ask for if thou canst believe.
Little lady, setting there praising the Lord, sister, you suffer with a--a trouble that's a--it's sleepless, nervous. Take sleeping pills to go to sleep, isn't that right? All right, do you believe that Jesus Christ will make you well? You accept it? Setting there praying and believing, raise your hand up if that--that's right. All right. See? All right, go home and sleep tonight, I send you in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.
Have faith in God. Don't doubt, but believe. All things are possible to them that believe. Jesus said, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to them that believe." But first, you must believe. [Mark 9:23]
L-108 If you believe lady, that hernia and nervous trouble would leave you. If you believe, setting there with a red coat behind you, if you'd believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ would make you well.
You say, "You're reading their mind." No, sir. Her faith touched the Lord Jesus. That's right. If thou canst believe... The conditions are, if you can believe. It's not for unbelievers. It's for those who will believe. Amen.
Got high blood pressure, haven't you? But if you'll believe with all your heart, Jesus Christ will make you well. Setting next to you, you got, they got leg trouble, trouble with the leg setting there. But Jesus Christ can make you well if you believe it. Amen. Amen.
L-109 Here He moves here. Oh, how marvelous. "If thou canst believe," is what He said. Do you believe, lady? With all your heart? If God will reveal to me what you're here for, lady, will you believe me to be His servant? Now, here's what the Angel, "If you can get the people to believe you..." Not believe me as Him, but believe that He sent me to help you. I'm just His voice. See? I'm just His voice by vision, just like looking at anything you see. Now, you believe it. God bless your heart. All right, may the Lord grant you your request.
You have a real good one, lady. The first thing, you're nervous as you'd actually be. Then you're seeking something. You're seeking God. You want a closer walk with God. You want the baptism of the Holy Ghost; that's...?... Yes, and you--but you--but see, it's going to leave you, and you'll get the Holy Ghost. [Mark 9:23]
L-110 Now look, Eve was seeking new life when Satan deceived her. So now, be careful, go forward; I want to pray for you that God will give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost and give you your desires. Come here.
Lord Jesus, grant this woman's blessing, and may she receive the Holy Spirit. Even at--in her own home this night it's possible Lord, for you at the church. Grant that she will receive it in Christ's Name, I ask it. Amen. Now, go believing, sister. He knows it. He knows what you're after, or He wouldn't reveal it to me. Now, I got...?... [The sister talks to Brother Branham--Ed.] Yes, sister. Uh-huh. Yes. Yes. May that's what He did right there. See? It... You'll be all right. Just go and believe God; you go and believe with all your heart.
L-111 Come, little fellow. A fine little boy, well, I--I'm sure we're strangers to each other. I want to ask you something, sonny. You seem like a fine looking little--little fellow. Now, did you know Jesus said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of God."? A little child is the--a pattern of the Kingdom of God. He said, "Suffer them to come unto Me and forbid them not." [Mark 10:14]
L-112 Now, if Jesus was here today, and you come down to where He was... You heard He was down here in Brooklyn, and you come to Him, and He come to you, now, He would know you, wouldn't He? He--He would what you--what was your...?... []... long to get in here. And it's just like when I turn like when anointing strikes. I don't mean to try to explain it. You cannot explain it. I know no more about it than you do. But it just look it's dipping from one to the other. Just like He would like to call you. But if you just break that crust of shadow of doubt (You see?); that's the only thing that's keeping you from receiving it. Now, look to Him.
This darling little boy standing here. He's probably sick or something. I don't know. He's standing here. But that poor little baby boy... Now, may the Lord grant it. And if He will, how many will make Him a promise tonight... If God... Let the little boy be the judge. If--if God, if He will speak to that child and tell him his life, or his future, or whatever... Now, if I come here and said, "Oh, the Lord says you're going to get well." Well, you have a right to doubt that.
But when the Lord comes around, and I say, "Next week you're going to be better, and two weeks from now, you're going to be well." You have a right to doubt that. But when the Lord comes down and tells you what you was, beforehand, you know whether that's right or not. See? You know that. Then He tells you what's going to be. You can believe it, 'cause it'll be just as true as the other was. He's God.
L-113 Now, how many will say to God, "This night I will throw away every shadow of doubt and believe you, if--if You'll reveal this little boy and let us see that You're the same resurrected Lord Jesus in all Your power, I--I'll accept it." Let's see your hands go up to God now. You're making... Just fine. All right. Just may the Lord Jesus grant it. All through the balcony, every one of you.
Now, here's a little--a little--a little boy. You know how good... I seen him stand here with a neat little coat on, and his little tie, and his little trousers. You know where my mind is a going to? Way down in the native home in South Africa. The little fellows down there maybe never had on clothes. They don't--they don't even know which is right and left hands. And that's the reason, friends, I leave the American people. My heart burns for Africa.
L-114 They come out there... I seen thirty thousand raw heathens with idols in their hands accept Jesus Christ as personal Saviour at one time. The Lord has give us a great ministry among the colored there. I'm going back. A few nights ago, a young colored girl came to the platform, and she was just had to walk like this. And I said, "Lord, if You will only grant to this young girl her desire..." Because just before I seen them fields of Africa waiting like that in a vision. And I couldn't see the girl because of that. Just look like a call to Africa. And the Holy Spirit come down and told her that she had--had a automobile accident and had severed the nerve in her head here. And she could not hear, or could not speak, or could not move one side. And I said, "Holy Spirit, if You'll make a sign before this massive audience tonight, that You'll give this girl her perfect soundness, I will make arrangements to return to Africa."
And no more than said that, till the girl let out a scream, and throwed both arms loose, and went perfectly normal, with a severed nerve, that's cut apart, hollering, "Mother, mother, mother." Oh, it's so good like that again."
L-115 Now, here stands a little boy. I don't know nothing about him. But now, you're under promise to God, and I under promise to God myself as yielding.
Now, sonny boy, I just want to talk to you a minute, not making you a... I just want to see the Holy Spirit heal everybody at once, you know what I mean. All right.
Now, the little boy, I'm just looking to you. Like Peter, James and John--Peter and John passed through the gate called, Beautiful, in the Bible. And they said to the lame man, said, "Look on us." That don't mean to look to them to be something, but to pay attention to what they were saying. See? "Look on us."
And Elijah, the prophet, said, "If it wasn't our respected the presence of Jehoshaphat, I wouldn't even look to you." But he said, "Bring me a minstrel." And the Spirit come on... [Acts 3:4], [II Kings 3:15]
L-116 []... muscles. He's got a muscle trouble. And he's been everywhere. I see him going to doctors, and the doctors don't even know what caused it or what it is. And I see him from hospital, in and out; it's different hospitals. He's even had an operation for it, and nothing done him any good. It's a curse of the devil. That's true; isn't it sonny? If that's true, raise up your hand to God.
Now, to heal him, I can't. But God can. That's right. The boy is shadowed. See? Only God can make it. And you in this room, there's many here that's shadowed. But God can take the curse away. "In My Name, they shall cast out devils." Jesus Christ is here. Do you believe it? Then let's all you receiving and be healed. Will you believe it, every one of you?
While I pray for the lad, then, you lay your hands on each other, and let's see what the Holy Spirit will do. In the prayer line, everywhere, lay your hands on one another. There, laddie. Bow your head everywhere. Be real--real consecrated to God.
L-117 Oh, heavenly Father, the Author of Life, the Giver of every good gift, send of Thy blessings upon this people. And Thou art here moving among the people in the prayer line, out in the audience, everywhere. And the people recognizes that You're here. They know that man cannot do these things, when it's been preached to them by the Bible, that Jesus of Nazareth has raised from the dead and showing Himself alive.
L-118 Here stands a little boy, standing here, a little Ethiopian boy. And the devil has bound him. And oh, Satan, you've hid from the doctor, but you can't hide from God. I adjure thee by the living God to come out of him and leave this boy alone. Get from him. We come in the Name of Christ, standing as a representative of Christ's death and vicarious suffering. Here He is resurrected, and He's here in our midst tonight.
And you know that, so you're exposed and come out of this audience. Leave this people, thou demon. We charge thee through Jesus Christ Name to leave the people and come out of them. In the Name of Jesus Christ.
Now, everybody that believes with all of your heart, keep your heads bowed, your eyes closed. Say this, "Lord Jesus, come into my heart, move all the shadow of doubt, this old moth-eaten robe of doubt. I cast it away. I wrap myself by faith in the Holy Ghost. I'm the seed of Abraham. I call those things which were not as though they were. I believe I'm healed. I confess Christ."
Satan, come out of these people in Jesus Christ's Name. Rise up; give God praise.

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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