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“But He That Shall Endure Unto The End, The Same Shall Be Saved.” [Matthew 24:13]
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” [Hebrews 12:2-3]
For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.” [Hebrews 6:13-15]
“Not he that beginneth, but he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. "Not all that saith, 'Lord, Lord,' but the one that doeth the will of My Father." Oh, let me just let that soak just a few minutes. I was talking fast tonight anyhow, so let's let that soak just a few minutes. See? "He that doeth the will of My Father." "He that endureth to the end. He that endureth!" “[54-0512,  The Seven Church Ages,  Jeffersonville IN, USA]
“Long years ago before they had the smelters, they used to take the gold, and how they would know how it was right or not, with all the sludge was out of it, all of the iron pyrite (that's fools gold), all the fools out of it, they--beaters beat it, and beat it, and turned it, and beat it, and turned it until the beater sees his reflection in the gold. That's the way God does His church. He gives you trial after trial, test after test, trial after trial, test after test, until the life of Christ is reflected in your life, until you become peaceful, sober, meek, gentle, humble, ready, submissive, willing, turn your head from the things of the world and looking straight to Calvary to the One Who's doing the beating. Many times you think it's strange because fiery trials, and sickness, and persecutions; it's only done to test you, to get the dirt out of you, to get the sludge out of you, to get the slowness out of you, to wake you up to the place where you can look and see the reflection--or men can see the reflection of Christ in you: Christ in you, the hope of glory.” [57-0818, Time Tested Memorials Of God, Jeffersonville In, USA]
He tested every piece. Finally he... Before he put a bolt on, he tested it. He tested everything. Then when he got it all done... Now, the scoffers stood by and said, "It will not hold up. It can't do it." That's what they're saying today. "This here Holy Ghost religion you're talking about, it won't be long, that tree will burn down." But it don't burn down. Oh, the--the fire only waters it. It only gives us new hold. It only--it only strengthens it, every trial testing. Every time a wind hits a tree and shoves it back and forth and back and forth, it only loosens the roots, so it can go deeper and get a better hold. Every time sickness strikes your home, every time trials strikes your home, every time the neighbors say something bad about you, it's only shaking you, loosing you up, so you can get down and get a better hold on the eternal Rock of God's unmovable Word. That's how God does it; He sends those trials to test you, to prove you, to shake you up, and to give you a new hold. .” [57-0818, Time Tested Memorials Of God, Jeffersonville In, USA]
“And you're here to fulfill It too. Just walk unconscious of fear. Walk unconscious of criticism. Walk unconscious of the world. Walk as you walk in Christ. Walk with Him, not paying any attention to right or left hand, just keep moving on. If something comes up in the church, walk with God. Hallelujah. If sickness strikes you, walk with God. If the neighbor don't like you, walk with God. Just keep on walking with God. Enoch, one day walked like that. You know what he done? He walked all the way home with God; got so far up the road, he didn't want to come back any more. Amen. Walk with God. Doctor says you're going to die; walk with God. Yeah. Doctor says you can't... well; walk with God. Just walk with God; that's all. For God has promised you, "I'll never leave you or forsake you. I'll be with you to the end of the world." And He took an oath by that covenant that He give you, that He'd confirm it. Just walk with God then.” [54-1212, He Swore By Himself, Jeffersonville IN, USA]
“Now, if we lose faith, then we will never get a prayer answered by God. "For He that cometh to God must first believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him." So if we lose faith, our prayers are annulled; we get nowhere. So it's all that we can think of this morning is to hold onto faith. Then if we lose faith, all our hopes is gone. And if we lose faith, all our spiritual reality is gone. For you cannot have faith in things that you see. For the things that you see are all perishable. If we look at some great person, or great minister, or a great congregation, they will all perish someday. And if we look at a great nation, or a great weapon, they'll all perish someday. And then we must live by faith of those things that science does not declare. It's by faith that we believe.” [58-0720M, By Faith Moses, Jeffersonville In, USA]
“When a man once catches that vision of the invisible God and know that He's always present, there's something that stabilizes that man's thinking; it stabilizes his actions, and in the time of distress and trouble, it'll still make him look upward and above the things that are happening around him, because he's looking at the Unseen, yet by promise. Now, how Abraham, not only did he see the Unseen... And the reason he believed it, was because God said it. And if we being dead in Christ, we are Abraham's seed, and if the Spirit that was in Christ dwells in us, it does the same thing. It takes every Divine promise of God that's in His Bible and calls it present tense, and rests itself upon there.” [58-1003, Looking At The Unseen, Jeffersonville IN, USA]
“Now, if we lose faith, then we will never get a prayer answered by God. "For He that cometh to God must first believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him." So if we lose faith, our prayers are annulled; we get nowhere. So it's all that we can think of this morning is to hold onto faith. Then if we lose faith, all our hopes is gone. And if we lose faith, all our spiritual reality is gone. For you cannot have faith in things that you see. For the things that you see are all perishable. If we look at some great person, or great minister, or a great congregation, they will all perish someday. And if we look at a great nation, or a great weapon, they'll all perish someday. And then we must live by faith of those things that science does not declare. It's by faith that we believe.” [58-0720M, By Faith Moses, Jeffersonville In, USA]
“"He that endureth to the end," Jesus said, "the same shall be saved." Just keep looking on, keep moving, slowly. God knows what He's doing. We're the only one gets in a hurry, not Him. He let the Hebrew children walk right in the fiery furnace before He even turned a page over to write a new article. Sure. God's in no hurry. He knows what He's going to do. We don't. But we believe it by faith, 'cause He said He'd do it. Amen. Now, watch Him. God moving to Abraham, setting out there in the old dry country, the cattle all getting poor, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in all the land, had been, there she was setting up there getting old now, a hundred years old, right about it, Abraham old, sitting out under the tree. Just before the junction time, what taken place? Angels appeared on the earth. Amen. They were in the form of men. And God Himself appeared on earth with His Angels. Oh, I hope this don't go too far over you. Catch it.” [56-0224, Jehovah Jireh, Sioux Falls SD, USA]
“See how God does? Testing, God permits you sometime to get a little worse after you're prayed for just to test you. The testings and trials of faith, but, "He that endureth..." There it is. Hold on; take God at His Word. Believe every Word of It. No matter what anything else says or does, believe it anyhow
Our Bible Study Subject for July 2016 :He That Shall Endure Unto The End, The Same Shall Be Saved
Bro. Robert Wilson
LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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