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December 2015 Newsletter: Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers


Is a right motive needed to find God’s will?


“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” [Matthew 6-9-10]

“It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." [Romans 9:16]

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” [Romans 12:2]

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” [Philippians 2:5]

“Always remember, church, God's Words are true. I believe the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass, if you can look at it in the right way. But, remember, here's been my--my standard in life. I have tried to do this. The first thing I want to find out, whether it's the will of God, or not. That, then, I know it's God’s will. The next thing is my objective to it, and my motive in doing it. Then if it's the will of God, and my objective is right, and my motive is right, I have faith that it'll be done. Because, first, it's the will of God, and I have…and my objective is to glorify Him, and my motive is to give Him all the glory. See? So there's no selfish motives about it. If you have a selfish motive, it won't work. If your objective is to make money for yourself or something, why, you'll never succeed. And then try to do something outside of the Will of the Lord, then it won't work, to begin with. So there is genuine faith, but you must come into the real channel of God to have that genuine faith. There's human faith, then there's faith of God. And you must have a godly faith, to believe. Now, then, to have godly faith, you must have the mind of Christ in you. Then that's how God projects to you visions, revelations. And all these things comes by the mind of Christ being in you. You get it? "Let the mind that was in Christ be in you.” [The Queen Of Sheba, Long Beach, CA 61-0219]

“But, "expectancy," that's a great thing, to expect something. You usually get what you expect. Some people come to the meeting and say, "Well, I didn't, didn't expect to get anything out of it." Well, they won't. But those who expect to get something, God will give them their expectations if their doing it reverently and in the fear of God. Now, always to find out something, first, is to find whether it's the will of God, or not. And then if it's the will of God, then your object, objective to it, and then your motive in doing it. If it's the will of God, and your objective is right, and your motive is right, it's got to happen. There's just no way to keep it from happening. So, first, find the Will, if it's and then, what--what's your objective in doing it? What's…If it's selfish, you'll--you'll never, you'll--you'll never get it done. That's all. It's got to be real clean and clear before God, or it just won't happen. That's all. It's, you got to always keep that on your mind, that it's got to be clean and clear. Your cups must be clean and clear before God, or God cannot work with you.” [Expectations, Richmond, VA 61-0308]

“Now, “persistent,” trying to achieve something. All men through all ages has been that way. Now, we take, for instance, Noah. Noah was very persistent after he had found the will of God. You've got to first find the will of God. Now, you've got to find the will of God this morning, as you're coming to be prayed for, you've got to find the will of God, whether it's God’s will to heal you or not. And the next thing you have to do, if you're coming to get salvation, you've got to find out whether it's God’s will to save you or not.

The first thing you have to find out, what God’s will is. And then, if you really have received the seed in your heart, then you can be persistent. There's nothing going to move you. No matter what wisdom man tries to say, "It's not so, and it's not this and that and the other," it doesn't move you one iota, because you know what the will of God is. He spoke it into your heart. Your faith sets there, and it'll hold right on, no matter if there's no more than like a grain of mustard seed. It'll bring you right out to the--to the place, the will of God. Yes.” [Perseverance, Jeffersonville, IN 62-0218]

“We thank Thee, because I know that You'll hear prayer. And we come to Thee most humbly and most sincerely, knowing that it would be wrong to ask You things that we're just imagining in our mind. We want to be earnest and dead sure, that what we're asking. We must believe it, and--and--and know that it is God’s will to give it to us, 'cause we have solved it out in our hearts, with all we know, Lord.” [Victory Day, Sierra Vista, AZ 63-0421]

“God permitted Israel to take a law, in Exodus the 19th chapter. When grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrifice lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a Law. It wasn't God’s will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted. It's best to have God’s will. That's what He taught us. "Thy will be done. Thy Kingdom come. Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His Will and His Word. Don't question It. Believe It. Don't try to find a way around It. Just take It the way It is. So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect, Divine will. He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be his perfect will; but He'll make it work to honor and bless his perfect will. And childbearing, by sex, is one of that.” [Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? Jeffersonville, IN 65-0418e]

“As I was speaking on the private interviews today and met a couple, a man and his son. I said, "You can never, never go forward, until you're perfectly satisfied, and know without a shadow of doubt you're walking in God’s will." Then when you know that you're in God’s will, and walking in His way, nothing can stop you, because you know where you're standing. You know the way you're going. You know what's--what's you got in your mind. You know what the will of God is, and then you can do it.” [Balm In Gilead, Chicago, IL 59-0614]

“It used to be that Pentecostal women didn't do that, but I don't know what happened. It used to be wrong for Pentecostal women to bob their hair. That's right. The Bible says any woman that bobs her hair, her husband has a right to put her away, of divorce, because she is a dishonorable woman. The Bible said that. Oh, He sure did, certainly did. Oh, now what? There you are. What we need is Gospel from the pulpit, "straighten up," all the way from the pulpit to the janitor. That's right. We need the old fashion Saint Paul's revival and the Bible Holy Ghost. God doesn't change at all. He's... That was His decision; He wanted men to look different from women, women from men, dress different. And that's the way He made them. When we do anything contrary to that, we're going against God's will, and God's laws, and God things, and there is nothing to do but pay for it. And we're going to do it too.” [But It Wasn't So From The Beginning, Bloomington, IL 61-041]

Bible References: Matthew 6-9-10; Romans 9:16, 12:2; Philippians 2:5

[Answer provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington, USA]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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