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September 2019 Newsletter: Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers


Are Women Slacks Immoral?


“The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” [Deuteronomy 22:5]

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’: “but I say unto you, ‘That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” [Matthew 5:27-28]

“Slacks, is that what you call it? Do you know the Bible said it's an abomination for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man? What's happened? It used to be wrong. Something's happened. Now, I don't want to hurt you. But why was it a few years ago, when I first knew you Pentecostal people, that it was wrong for you women to cut your hair? Did something happen? The Bible didn't change. Something happened. An old brother preacher used to sing a song, "We let down the bars; we let down the bars; we compromised with sin. We let down the bars; the sheep got out, but how did the goats get in?" You let down the bars; that's what started it.” [58-0209a Hear Ye Him, South Bend IN]

“If there ever was a time that mama eagle is setting on the Pentecostal nest, it's today. There's too many loose feathers in the Pentecostal church. Oh, yes. You women, bobbing off your hair. That's not right. The Bible said that it's wrong. And get out on a afternoon and put them little bitty old short clothes on to mow the yard. It's wrong. It's a sin in the sight of God to do that. And you say, "No, I don't wear shorts; I wear slacks." The Bible said, "A woman that'll put on a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of God." God doesn't change. Too many loose feathers in the Pentecostal church. She's not ready to fly away yet. Used to be it was wrong for holiness women, and women of the church, to wear manicure, or that stuff you put on your mouth and face. But you can't tell one from the other; what's the matter? Too many loose feathers. You know that's the truth. That might make you sick.” [58-0316a As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest And Fluttereth Over Her Young, Harrisonburg, VA]

“Now to you holiness people, Pentecostal, Free Methodist, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness. I remember the time when it was wrong for you women to cut your hair. What happened? Do you know the Bible gives a man a right to get a divorce from his wife when she cuts her hair? The Bible said that a woman that cuts her hair dishonors her husband. That's the truth. And you get out here with these little old, dirty, nasty, filthy clothes on, called shorts, to mow the grass in the back yard, and call yourself a Christian? How must the Holy Spirit feel before the Father when He has to bring that up? Oh, you say, "I don't wear shorts, Brother Branham. I wear slacks." That's worse. You know it's the truth. All right. The Bible said that a woman that'll put-on any garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of Him. That's right. That's the Scripture. That's what God said.” [58-0328 Hear Ye Him, Middletown OH]

“You women, at ten o'clock at morning when you ought to have prayer meeting, you listen to some old ungodly thing like Arthur Godfrey with his old dirty jokes and things with that bunch of women and then call your selves Christians. Go on. That's the truth. You say, "Brother Branham, I don't wear shorts. I wear slacks." That's worse. The Bible said that a woman that'll put on a garment pertaining to a man it's an abomination in the sight of God; and God doesn't change. And you wear these little old skirts that's so tight, going down the street so tight till the skin's on the outside. And you call yourself, "Holiness women." Is that the way a daughter of God would act? Listen. You say, "Preacher, that's the only kind of clothes they sell." But they still make sewing machines and sell them. You ain't got no excuse. And besides that, they still sell goods that you can make your clothes. I know that hurts, but it's good for you. It's the truth. It's what the Bible says.” [58-0519 Life, Bangor ME]

“It's a terrible day that we're living in. Discerning the Lord's Body... In our churches and among our church people today, it's such a shame of the way our women are acting too, many of them wearing immoral clothes, those little shorts. It's so sinful. A lady told me, and many's told me, said, "Billy, you better quit talking about that." No, sir. I may have to preach to posts, but I'll be telling the truth. That's right. That's right. It's the truth. Thank you. It's wrong, and it's sinful. As one lady said to me, she said, "I don't wear shorts; I wear slacks." I said, "That is worse. The Bible said it's an abomination to God for a woman to put on a garment that pertains to a man." It's the truth. And then the alibi is they don't make any more clothes besides that. But they still make sewing machines and sell goods.” [59-0812 Discerning The Body Of The Lord, Chautauqua OH]

“Sometimes the women, in our churches, that's used to wearing immoral clothes, like shorts, and--and these dungarees. And the Bible said, "It's an abomination to God, for a woman to put on such." She's, no matter what she thinks, she's got to forsake that. Sometimes we find women, when they come into the Way and get saved, they been used to cutting off their hair. And they want to be popular like the rest of the world. But they find out, it's a hard thing, 'cause they'll call you old fashion, whenever you go to dressing like a Christian, acting like a Christian, living like a Christian. They'll call you old fashion, but you've got to forsake all, to follow Him.” [62-0123 Forsaking All, Tempe AZ]


“You know what he would do? He would blast and condemn this generation. He would condemn every bobbed-haired woman in the country. He would condemn every denominational preacher. He certainly would. He would condemn every cigarette smoker, every woman that wore shorts or slacks. He would tear them apart. Why? It's against the Word. Exactly right. You think we would receive him? By no means. They wouldn't receive him. He would condemn the immorals of the church. He would shake that little old wrinkled finger in them preachers' face and say, "You mean to tell me that you call yourself anointed servant of God, and will stand in the pulpit and let your women dress sexy, and sexy among your men, and things like that? Let your young women rise up like that? You'll permit your men to marry two or three times, and be deacons in the churches? You mean to tell me that you'll hold on to that credential that you got in your hand, and turn aside the Word of God?" Oh, my! He would blast the thing. Yes, sir. The immorality of the church, and the immorality of the members, he would blast it. My! Every member, he would tear down. Every man-made seminary doctrine, he'd tear the thing to pieces.” [63-0119 The Way Of A True Prophet, Phoenix AZ]

“I was in New York, the other week. And went down through there, for miles, was nothing but these teen-age hoodlums with earrings in their ear, and ratted hair, leotards on, and girls with little bikinis, they called it, on like that, out on the street. And the public has to give them the right of way. Oh, what is the matter with this country? It's because it's a--a sign of a moral-decayed, God-rejected nation. That's all. How can you build upon the chars of some ruins like that? How you going to do it, when hoodlums walking the street and shoot the very President right out of his car?” [63-1127 The World Is Again Falling Apart, Shreveport, LA]

“Could you imagine a man letting his wife cut her hair, wear shorts, or wear slacks, and say he's coming through a thinking man's Filter? Could you imagine a man doing a thing like that? Can you imagine a preacher standing in the pulpit, because he's paid good by a congregation that pats him on the back, calls him, "Doctor, Brother, Reverend," and takes him out to all kinds of parties where they mix bathing, and everything else, on the beaches; could you imagine a man claiming that he's coming through a thinking man's Filter? And some of those women on the platform, with their dresses above their knees, and cut so tight and shows every form, every move they make, and their underneath clothes showing through their dresses; just as bad as wearing shorts, bikinis, or anything else. You Pentecostal, blind, Laodicean preachers, how long will God suffer you, I don't know. Be... God be merciful to your--to your blind eyes. He's got eye salve tonight, to open your eyes, that you might see.” [65-0822e A Thinking Man's Filter, Jeffersonville, IN]

“I like to see a man when he's a man. I hate to see one with his wife's underclothes on out here, and slipped up along the side; and--and a roller hanging down here in front, and two cones of hair hanging down like bangs, cut in front. That, I--I couldn't call that a man. He don't know what side of the race he belongs on. See? That's right. You see the woman, look, the woman is trying to cut her, make her hair like the man; the man is trying to make his hair, bangs, like the woman. The man is wearing his wife's underneath clothes; she is wearing his overalls. See, just a perversion, right around. And that's the same thing it is with nation, with people, with churches, with everything. O God! Where is the end of the thing? The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, that's the end of it.” [65-0919 Thirst, Tucson, AZ]

“How could you ever draw a denomination through God's Filter? How could you do it? How could you draw a bobbed-hair woman through that Filter? Tell me. How could you ever draw a woman that wears slacks through There, when "It's an abomination for her to put on a garment pertains to a man"? See, God's Filter would catch her out there, It wouldn't let her come in. (But the church has got their own filters.) So I say that there is a thinking man's Filter, that's God's Word, and It suits a holy man's taste. That's right, a holy man; not a church man, but a holy man's taste. Because It's pure, holiness, unadulterated Word of God! There is a thinking man's Filter. And church member, I advise you to use That one.” [65-1207 Leadership, Covina, CA]

“Korah was not a Scriptural prophet but the people in great numbers with their leaders went for him. How like the evangelists today with their golden calf schemes like Korah's. They look good to the people as Korah looked good then. They have blood on their foreheads, oil on their hands and balls of fire on the platform. They allow women preachers, let women cut their hair, wear slacks and shorts, and bypass the Word of God for their own creeds and dogmas. That shows what kind of seed is in them. But not all the people turned on Moses and left the Word of God. No. The elect stayed with him.” [65-1206x Pergamean Church Age, 7 Church Ages Book]

“How could a bobbed-haired woman ever come through this Filter? How could a woman with shorts on ever come through It, or slacks, when the Bible says, "It's an abomination to God, for a woman to put on a garment that even pertains to a man"? And how can a man that thinks anything of himself, get out here and dress like the women, let his hair grow out like a woman, down in his eyes, with bangs, and twirled up like that? He is wearing his wife's underneath clothes. She is wearing his outer clothes. A thinking man's filter? A thinking man won't do that, or a thinking woman won't do it. God's Word won't let it pass through.” [65-0911 God's Power To Transform, Phoenix AZ]

Bible References: Deuteronomy 22:5; Matthew 5:27-28

 [Answer provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington, USA]


LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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