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March 2020 Newsletter: Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers


Who Is The Spirit Of Holiness?


“And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” [Romans 1:4]. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” [1 Corinthians 3:16-17]

“Compare this now, how much alike that man and his wife, both in God's Eden, without one stitch of clothes on them, and knew it not. For why didn't they know it? For they were veiled to their senses of nakedness, by the Holy Veil, of the Holy Spirit. They could look right at each other, and they didn't know that they were naked. They were veiled with the Holy Spirit, of HOLINESS. They were veiled.” [65-0829 Satan's Eden, Jeffersonville, IN]

“And men of that age as even today were making the same mistake. As the Jews took refuge in the synagogue form of worship, so in the Philadelphian Age they were taking refuge in the church. It is not joining a church that counts. The life is not in the church. The life is in Christ. "This is the record that God hath given us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son hath not life." Man is made holy by the Spirit. It is the Spirit of HOLINESS that raised Jesus from the dead that in-dwells us and makes us holy with His HOLINESS.” [Philadelphian Age, Seven Church Ages Book]

“Brother, I've been around the world, pretty near three times, and I've never seen a holy-roller yet. No, sir. I've seen HOLINESS, but not holy-rollers. That's the name the devil tacked on the Church. God said, "Without HOLINESS, no man shall see God." You can suit yourself, about it. That's God's way.” [53-0403 The Cruelty Of Sin, Jeffersonville, IN]

“I believe in the resurrection. I believe in a bodily physical resurrection. I believe in the physical bodily return of Jesus Christ. I believe that His Church is His representative on the earth now. I believe that the Church is washed with the Blood of Jesus Christ. And the Church is a Holy Ghost filled Church, preaches HOLINESS to the very extremes.” [53-1122 The Resurrection Of Lazarus, Evansville, IN]

“The circumcision today is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. "All," said Stephen, "all you uncircumcised in the heart and ears, why do you always resist the Holy Ghost? As your fathers did, so do you." The Holy Spirit circumcised in the heart, cutting away the things of the world. It used to be the old-fashion HOLINESS church lived it, acted like it, lived like it. But today it's just like the rest of the world. It's a disgrace. We let down the bars.” [54-0329 Redemption By Power, Louisville, KY]

“God, grant today, and we look down in this Bible. We look at the church books, the Decalogues, and so forth, of the churches, their rituals, and see how they do this, that, or the other. But let us look into this true Word here, and see what It says. "Without HOLINESS, no man shall see the Lord. Follow peace and HOLINESS, which, without, no man shall see the Lord. He that loves the world, or the things of the world, the love of God is not in him." [54-0509 The Invasion Of The United States, Jeffersonville, IN]

“Along came a little fellow from England, by the name of John Wesley; he measured to the people a little closer. He cut the ruler in a little closer, could measure closer: sanctification, as they called it in them days, the second work of grace. Look what he done; he introduced HOLINESS to the Church.” [54-0900 Have Faith In God, New York NY]

“We thank Thee for those who have been called out. You said that the ones that escape in that day, the Branch of the Lord, the people of God would be beautiful. And we thank Thee for the beauty of HOLINESS, clean Holy Spirit-filled people, living for You; by Your grace they are this. And we thank Thee.” [54-0900 Have Faith In God, New York NY]

“It's got to be a change (Here it is.), a change of the heart, not of this physical thing, but the heart of your soul. In something anchors, till your thoughts that way is dull; you don't see that no more. You just see the Lord Jesus. You see righteousness, and HOLINESS, and purity, and love, and grace. That's when you've been changed. What is a convert? Convert means "to change something over." And your thoughts, your habits, your being, has been changed from a sinner to a Christian. First thing, you know it in your heart; then you express it with your lips; and then it materializes, and that's what you are.” [54-1003m The Word Became Flesh, Jeffersonville, IN]

“There's only one thing and only one place in the Bible that has ever acted that made a person take off their clothes and they were devil-possessed. That's right. It's the truth, and it's no compliment on that, compromising. It's the truth. It's the devil that gets into those people that makes them strip their clothes off. It's the devil. You don't mean to be wrong, but woman, it's the devil doing that. It used to be wrong for HOLINESS women to wear paint on their face. And now, they just gob it on anyway and sing and shout and praise the Lord like there was nothing to it. Oh, brother, do you realize that that's the devil that's a doing that? Purpose in your heart that you'll live, if it's old fashion, live old fashion and serve the Lord God of the heavens and earth. Purpose in your heart.” [56-0902 The Handwriting On The Wall, Jeffersonville, IN]

“Calvinism is all right as long as it stays true to the Bible; but when it gets off on the wrong limb, then it's no good. Arminianism, HOLINESS is correct as long as it stays in Bible HOLINESS, not your HOLINESS but His HOLINESS. See? Then it's not my HOLINESS. It's... I'm not depending on my HOLINESS. I have none, but I'm wholly trusting in His HOLINESS. See? It's He's the One Who did it. Not my works, but His finished works that I rest assured that I was received into the Beloved and when the Beloved was received by God, God received me in Christ; that settles it. See? No negatives, no ifs and ands. It's a finished work.” [56-1208 Abraham, Brooklyn, NY]

“The Holy Spirit will tutor the children by the direction Book of the Father; that's the Word. God will raise His church by the Word. And the Holy Spirit will teach the church the Word, not the catechism, not the rules of the church, but the power of the Word of the living God. The Holy Spirit will give that to the church.

Did not our blessed Lord say, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." That's the thing the Holy Spirit will teach, and when the Holy Spirit teaches unadulterated HOLINESS before the Lord. How do you think the Holy Spirit feels to bring the word before the Father that we're selfish, that we're unconcerned. We'll stay home on prayer meeting nights to watch old religious programs, uncensored with dirty jokes and everything, and then calling ourselves the church of the living God. What do you think He thinks tonight?” [57-0322 Hear Ye Him, Oakland, CA]

“You don't hear that preached on too much by evangelists any more. It's been let run haphazard any way it can go. But I'm just one of the old-fashion type that believes in good old-fashion HOLINESS. I believe. You say, "That's a big word for a Baptist." But I'm one of them Baptists that got the Holy Ghost, that believes in real genuine born-again HOLINESS. Certainly. I believe the tree is known by its fruit.” [57-0325 The Lamb And The Dove, Oakland CA]

“I'm not at all surprised to see a pig out in a manure pile rooting, not a bit. He's a pig; that's his nature. I wouldn't holler at a sinner out drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. But when you see a... And a sinner woman out on the street with herself dressed to attract attention of a men... Now, don't tell me you're not trying to attract the attention of a men; you are. That's right. You might as well come out and be truthful. Who are you trying to attract then? Why are you dressing like that for then? Then you become a show to the world. That's right. That's right. Well, you say, "That's my privilege. And you preacher, you ain't got no..." Yes, but if you're a lamb, you'll forfeit it. The Bible said, "Let the women dress in modest apparel as may become HOLINESS." [57-0325 The Lamb And The Dove, Oakland, CA]

“God, in the beginning required perfection. Jesus, when He come to earth, said, "Be ye perfect, like God in heaven is perfect." And the law, having a shadow of things to come, could never make the worshipper perfect. You get the picture? Now, let's go it again so you'll be sure not to miss it. God requires perfect HOLINESS. No one can stand in His image with one little speck of sin. Jesus witnessed the same and said, "Be perfect, just like God in heaven is perfect." [57-0419 The Perfection, Jeffersonville, IN]

“Heavenly Father, several hands went up, in this little meeting, tonight, that they want to take a hold, tonight, of Your unchanging, Eternal hand. Knowing that what is committed to You... You said, "I... All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and none of them will be lost. And I'll raise them up at the last day. Can never perish, can never come to judgment, but has Eternal, Eternal Life." And there's only one Eternal Life. That comes from God, alone. It is God. And we become part of God, so much that we're sons and daughters of God. When we have God's Spirit in us, we think like God. We think of righteousness and HOLINESS, and we try to live to please Him. Grant, Lord, that that type of Life will enter every person that raised their hand. And those who should have raised their hands, and did not, I pray that You'll be with them. Grant it, Father. And when journey is ended, life is finished, may we enter into peace at that day, with Him, where we'll never be old, never be sick, never be no trouble. Until then, keep us joyful and happy, praising Him, for we ask it in His Name. Amen.” [57-0821 Hebrews Chapter One, Jeffersonville, IN]

“God was in the beginning. Before there was any light, before there was ever an atom, before there was ever a star, before there was any visible thing, God filled all space. And in That was nothing but purity: pure love, pure HOLINESS, pure righteous. It was Spirit. He covered the whole space all from Eternity, where we can't fathom It. It goes beyond anything that we could imagine.” [57-0828 Hebrews Chapter Two, Jeffersonville, IN]

“What are we today then? We are stars. Every born-again Christian is a testimony to the Lord Jesus Christ, a star to reflect the power and HOLINESS of the Lord Jesus: to reflect Him in His life, to perfect Him in His speech, to perfect Him in His healing power, to perfect Him in His resurrection, to reflect Him in every way that He was reflected to us by God the Father. We are stars. Watch. What kind of a star should you be? This Star was not guided by Its own power. It was guided by the celestial powers of Almighty God. And if we're ever going to reflect sinners to Christ, we've got to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:1 said, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that's in Christ, that walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." If we're going to be a star to reflect the Light of Christ to bring sinners to Him, we've got to be guided by the Holy Spirit.” [57-1222 The Great Shining Light, Jeffersonville, IN]

“This modern jokester, all getting out there, and cracking some jokes about the God of Heaven! Which, he thought he was safely, and he was all right to have a little fun out of these girls, and things. And, oh, the tapestries was hanging and the confetti flying and the painted-up girls was swinging around in the soldiers' arm, just a regular rock-and-roll, having a big time; not knowing that the eye of God was looking down, the Holy God of Heaven. God's HOLINESS requires judgment when sin is committed; His Own attitude, His Own great HOLINESS, proves that He must have justice.” [58-0130 The Handwriting On The Wall, Waterloo, IA]

“If there ever was a time that mama eagle is setting on the Pentecostal nest, it's today. There's too many loose feathers in the Pentecostal church. Oh, yes. You women, bobbing off your hair. That's not right. The Bible said that it's wrong. And get out on a afternoon and put them little bitty old short clothes on to mow the yard. It's wrong. It's a sin in the sight of God to do that. And you say, "No, I don't wear shorts; I wear slacks." The Bible said, "A woman that'll put on a garment that pertains to a man, it's an abomination in the sight of God." God doesn't change. Too many loose feathers in the Pentecostal church. She's not ready to fly away yet. Used to be it was wrong for HOLINESS women, and women of the church, to wear manicure, or that stuff you put on your mouth and face. But you can't tell one from the other; what's the matter? Too many loose feathers. You know that's the truth. That might make you sick.” [58-0316a As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest, Harrisonburg, VA]

“Go over to Africa, and see if that old boogley-woogley, or ever what they call it, rock-and-roll, that's originated with the Hottentots in Africa. And you're trying to satisfy that longing and blessed holy thirst by poking that trash down in the place where God wants to live and to give you freedom, and HOLINESS, and happiness. What a disgrace. What a letdown to the American people. And to you, Pentecostal people, and Pilgrim Holiness, and Nazarenes, who profess a higher calling than that, shame on you. You're dying and rottening in your own corruption.” [58-0512 Life, Everett, MA]

Bible References: I Corinthians 3:16-17

 [Answer provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington, USA]


LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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