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Living Word Broadcast - End Time Gospel FAQ Question: Should Christians participate in ballgames?


“You people that used to go to dances, I don't believe you'd do it now, since you're a Christian. But when you used to, you used to have to play all the music, and carrying on and everything, and get in the spirit of dancing. When you went to BALL GAMES, you had to--somebody had to hit a home run 'fore you throwed the hats and screamed and hollered. Well, it was all right for you then. But a fellow didn't believe much in BALL GAMES, he just stood there, he couldn't see nothing in it. He wasn't in the spirit of it. And that's the reason you come around to an old fashion meeting where they got good salvation, they go to hollering, "Amen" and "Praise The Lord," you say, "That bunch of fanatics." You're just not in the spirit of it; that's all. See? If this is the Holy Spirit, then that other must be unholy spirit. This makes you do holy things, that makes you do unholy things.” [The Hand Of The Lord Came Upon Him, Louisville KY 54-0403]

“ 'Of water' means 'when they rejoiced.' You see? "There's not much rejoicing," you say. "Here, and the only thing we do, we--we don't go no more to the shows on Sunday. And we don't see the BALL GAMES, when we did all these things that we once done. It's a horrible place here." Now, watch it was chiding. Better stop right there, hadn't I? Ha, ha.” [Redemption By Judgment, Jeffersonville IN 54-1114]

“Look on me, sir, just a minute, just in order that you and I could come in contact with the Lord Jesus. If I be His servant, Jesus said, "The things that I do shall you also. A little while and the world will see me no more," that's the unbeliever. They're out to BALL GAMES, and swimmings, and so forth. They'll never see Him. "But ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, in you, to the end of the world." Then if He's raised from the dead, and He's standing here this morning, and this anointing that I have now isn't mine, but it's His, then you couldn't hide your life if you had to, because we're in contact with one another by Spirit being. And if God can reveal to me what you're standing there for, will you accept it with all your heart? You will do it?” [Proof Of His Resurrection, Jeffersonville IN 55-0410m]

“Why are you out here tonight? Is because you're interested. Why ain't you at the BALL GAME? Is because you love God more than you love BALL GAMES. That's the reason you're here. God called you and put a different desire in your heart.” [Abraham, Macon GA 55-0608]

“Like I said the other night about the hog, about the sinner. You can't blame... A sinner's a sinner; don't try to reform him. Don't try to tell him this, that, or the other. He's a sinner to begin with. He's a pig to begin with. He don't know no different. If he goes to the movies, and he goes on Sunday, and he goes to BALL GAMES, and he does all these things; he's a sinner to begin with. His nature's like a hog. The old hog stick his nose down in the manure pile and eat all the grains out of it and everything. Well, that's--he is a hog. You can't blame him; he's a hog. That's the way with sinners. But when you go and call yourself a Christian and stick your nose in with him, then you're no better than he is; but you're worse, "Come out from among them." Let go of the world. Let go. Let God.” [Enticing Spirits, Jeffersonville IN 55-0724]

“It's time for the prophets of God, oh, brother, for the preachers, if you would say it, across the nation, to fall on their face. When I know there's nineteen million Baptist churches, nineteen million Baptists, rather, in America, thirteen million Methodist, eleven million Lutherans, ten million Presbyterians, mercy, think of that. And constantly, the BALL GAMES, the amusements... And on Wednesday nights and sometimes on Sunday nights, stay home to listen to the television and the radio of old jugs, gags, and jokes they pull from Hollywood, your soul growing on that kind of stuff, when you ought to have your Bible out somewhere, laying out before God on your knees a praying for the sins of the country... And I'm guilty with you.” [A Blushing Prophet, Jeffersonville IN 56-1125e]

“What you scared about? Don't be afraid to take that solo flight. Don't be 'fraid to put God at a test. If you're a eagle, you're not scared. If you're Abraham's seed, which is the only one that gets the promise, is the seed of Abraham, you call those thing which were not as though they were, if God said so. Don't be scared, nothing to be scared of. You can't understand how all these socials, and parties, and picture show entertainments, and everything in the church, and BALL GAMES, and everything else to make money to pay the pastor. Never was intended. Certainly not. But you borrow some old rooster and sell it for about a dollar and a half a plate. You've turned the upper room into a supper room. That's right. You don't have to do that. Take God at His Word; He owns all things.” [As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest And Fluttereth Over Her Young, Harrisonburg VA 58-0316a]

“Go to the BALL GAME, somebody knock a home run, or something another, set and look, and say, "Well, guess that's pretty good." No, you wouldn't be a BASEBALL fiend; you wouldn't be a real... You wouldn't be in the spirit of BASEBALL. When somebody knocks a home run, you raise up and holler, "Whew. My. Win." Knock somebody's hat off his head like that, nobody says a word about it. Then in the church when you get in the Spirit, raise up and holler, "Glory. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord." Somebody turn around and say, "Holy-roller." (Oh, Brother Wood...) I'm going to ask you a question. If we're holy-rollers because we do that, then them's unholy-rollers out there. I'd rather be a holy-roller (Wouldn't you?) than an unholy one. My. Certainly. The unholy-rollers.” [The Patmos Vision, Jeffersonville IN 60-1204e]

“What if you went to a BALL GAME, and you say, "I sure love BASEBALL." Uh-huh. And you get you a front row seat, right down in the box seat, and you're watching the Yankees or Bulldogs, ever who they are, playing. And they're all having a big GAME out there. And your side's just about to lose, and all at once the modern Babe Ruth winds up his bat like this and says, "See way over yonder?" Got three men on base. "Whammy," and he drives it plumb out of sight, takes off his hat and fans hisself, walks down to the first base and looks around, all them guys going to second base, shake hands with the second baseman, walk, walk quietly right back home, bow his... Why, my, my, the screams, the jumps, the hollers, the shouts of "hurrahs." [Revelation, Chapter Four, Jeffersonville IN 61-0101]

“That's what's the matter with our church today; they got the lady's society, and the men's society, and this society, and BALL GAMES, soup suppers, and everything else. And prayer meetings is left off, you know. No more... And the Holy Ghost promised He'd only seal those who sighed and cried for the abominations done in the city.” [Expectation, Richmond VA 61-0308]

“The church sets, dead. BALL GAMES, attractions of the city, and the worldly things has the church all lured away. The Bible said they'd be heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness. Hotel rooms, full of drunks; you can't even sleep. Sunday school teachers, people going to church, church members, having a little clean American fun. Sinful, oh, this old world's a staggering like a drunk man coming home of a morning.” [Abraham's Covenant Confirmed, Middletown OH 61-0318]

“The other night I said that Christ is a glow, not a glare. We will never be able to convert the world by trying to shine up our churches, and make them bigger, and polish up our ministers with better education. They--they already got all that stuff. They got all kinds of psychology and BALL GAMES and everything. The world's got that. But we got something they haven't got: that's Christ. See? That's right. Just stay in your own territory. We got Christ; they don't have Christ. They got all the psychology. Don't try to match with wits. You can't do it. They don't--they can out-match you.” [Micaiah The Prophet, Chicago IL 61-0426]

“BALL GAMES, and--and frolics, and so forth, that's all right; but it don't belong in the church. In the church we want Christ, not a form of Christ, or a picture of Christ, or a dead Christ, or a tomb of Christ. We want a risen Christ Who's alive with us, proving Hisself that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's what the church wants, what they ought to want. Depends on what their appetite is (See?), whether they will receive it or not.” [Micaiah The Prophet, Chicago IL 61-0426]

“We do not try to compete with the world in their momentous psychological exercises. We do not try to out-glitter them with BALL GAMES and intellectual entertainments. We cannot meet them, Father. You said, "The children of the night are wiser than the children of the day." So we know that, Father. But we have Jesus. They don't have it. And if that person be here today, who doesn't have Jesus, and know that they have passed from death unto Life, may this be the hour that they will receive Him now, as their Saviour, be filled with His Spirit, for we ask it in His Name and for His glory, we pray. Amen.” [Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever, Grande Prairie AB 61-0516a]

“If there's those here who are just depending on a sensation... Maybe they have shouted. They... Maybe they have the Holy Spirit. Or... We wouldn't count that, Lord, because we've seen people at BALL GAMES shout. We seen people at worldly amusement shout. We seen those so happy till they cry out on the floor dancing and all those things. That ain't You, God. But to meet You, and to talk with You, and You talk back, that's what we want.” [A True Sign That's Overlooked, Jeffersonville IN 61-1112]

“There's an absolute at a BALL GAME. That's the umpire. Oh, yeah. Sometimes we don't like his decision either, but it's--it's--it's that anyhow. The umpire, his decision is the final word. That's right. No matter what others say; if he says it's a strike, it's a strike. That's right. Certainly. No matter what others say, that don't have nothing to do with it. And let's just think of it. If you's... (I don't go to BALL GAMES, but I just happened to jot that down.) An umpire, he's the absolute at the BALL GAME.” [Absolute, Jeffersonville IN 62-1230m]

“Our BALL, BASEBALL, or BASKETBALL team at home, them rival cities, Jeffersonville and New Albany, oh, my, my, my! Whew! There's ever a night there's not a big bunch of fights, when they have a GAME, then I don't know where it could ever be.” [The Way Of A True Prophet, Phoenix AZ 63-0119]

“We have to have an absolute at a BALL GAME. Did you know that? A BALL GAME can't operate right without an absolute, and that's the umpire. Now, sometime we--we don't like his decisions, but it's--it's--it's absolute. He's the absolute, anyhow. If... No matter, if we want to say, and others say, that--that it was a strike, or it was a BALL; and he says it's a strike, that's what it is. Don't argue with him. He's there. He's the absolute in that BALL GAME. Because, if he said, "Strike," you can fuss, you can throw your hat out there, and protest it, but it's a strike, anyhow. Amen. Now let's think just a minute. What if there was no umpire in the GAME? What kind of a fuss would it be? It would all be chaos. You--you couldn't play the GAME without having an absolute in it. GAMES has got to have an absolute. And if GAMES has to have an absolute, what about life? It has to have a resting place. And every mortal here, this afternoon, has got your absolute somewhere, your ultimate, that's the last word. Notice, there would be fusses and everything at this BALL GAME. It'd all end up in chaos.” [An Absolute, Phoenix AZ 63-0127]

“Fifty years ago, BALL GAMES went on just as they do now, and you never heard of anybody getting hurt, but now they kill a dozen, or two, a year. A BALL will hit a man, he, there ain't nothing in him to hold his life in him. He's like a guinea. You hit him, he is so soft, he's dead.” [The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming, Jeffersonville IN 63-0623e]

“Have you ever noticed how the world gets into the spirit of things that are in the world? They go to their BALL GAMES, their sporting events, and their dances. They enter into the spirit of it. They don't sit there like wall flowers, old dried up sticks. They enter right into the feel of things and become a part of things. But, oh, how they hate the Christians for getting into the Spirit of God's Word. They call us fanatics and holy-rollers. There is nothing they won't do to show their hatred and disapproval. But ignore that. You can expect it, knowing where it is coming from. Just go on and get in the Spirit of worship.” [Patmos Vision, Church Age Book 65-1207]

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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